Reviews from

in the past

Played the introductory campaign (just the first part) for a straight 5 hours. Often times with me and 4x games I get really engrossed in the game like this; my interest peaks but then comes crashing down and I suspect something similar will happen here. It is a marvelous 4x although I was disappointed that I could not enable auto-combat as I found some of the encounters tedious. The music is marvelous.

pille este juego por curiosidad, 4 horas de mi vida pasaron por delante y no lo volvi a tocar nunca más. The Power Of 4X Gaming!

Age of Wonders 3 is a fantasy themed 4X game, it's notable for having combat that doesn't suck and is actually quite decent for the genre. There's not much to say beyond that, the setting is super generic and I lost all interest after the magic lizard man started preaching about social democracy. I think the random scenarios are the best this game has to offer because the moment to moment gameplay is the strongest aspect about it.
The UI is also a bit archaic so I would recommend learning as many keyboard shortcuts as possible. The underground layer can fall off a cliff for all I care, I hate it.
They want you to make a third party account too so that sucks, but thankfully it's completely optional. I wish I could say the same for other games published by Paradox.
To summarize, Age of Wonders 3 is alright.

The tutorial was dragging and I didn't even bother to continue after it

Having a campaign in a 4x game like this is crazy talk. I admire the boldness.

It's very cool how they implemented the campaign, this just wasn't my cup of tea.

Ist n ganz nettes 4X Game, welches zwar im wirtschaftlichen Aufbaubereich recht wenig vorzeigen kann, aber dafür sehr interessante Karten und ein robustes Kampfsystem hat.

just took me too long to slog through scenarios

fun 4x fantasy game! city building is nominal, nothing to write home about, but the battles are really fun

Hayatımda oynadığım sayılı strateji oyunundan biri. Strateji türüne hiç kafası basmayan biri olarak, oyunun basit ama eğlenceli savaş ve ünite mantığı çok hoşuma gitti. Şehirler geliştirme ve haritada gerçek zamanlı oynanış vs. derken, şaka maka 75 saat gömmüşüm.

Öte yandan; kaynak dengesini kurduktan sonra, şirazenin bir kere kayması halinde bir daha toparlanmanın çok zor olması ve diplomasinin işleyişini çözmenin gereksiz zor olması (en azından benim için) gibi nedenler yüzünden, campaign'lerde çok ilerleyemeden salmak zorunda kaldım. Bunları bi' becerebilsem iyiydi ama olmadı, napalım.

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