Reviews from

in the past

Ok, I didn't expect to give a gacha game such a high rating but... bear with me with this one. I started playing last week and I was surprised with the quality on this one.

The fact that every character is, AT LEAST, animated at the main screen/home page and not being really a large app or performance consuming was... a really good surprise.

It's a gacha game, so, being salty and shit it's already common at this point. At the time I started playing, they added a pity system and getting the summon coins isn't... that hard. Being a F2P, however, means that you have to plan ahead, but if you aren't, well, just spend it already.

The gameplay is really interesting as well. The grid system, the different character classes and all... it's a good package: you have to think to progress further at some stages, and the endgame content seems challenging enough to keep me around.

The major problem with this game are the minority loli-ish/jailbait shit characters. God, I hate them SO much. They're at the game for one reason: and I hate it. At the other side of the coin, there are really cool-looking characters.

If you like strategy-based games, you should probaly check this out. Of course, search if there's any character that you like beforehand and if it's worth to get into a gacha game.

The art is just magnificient
Not hyped tho

Been with this since the start but im shelving this for now. While dig alot of the characters/design/music etc the plot/events at this moment of time hasnt really grabbed me.

Maybe ill pick it up later if something peaks my intrest

Been playing this one for years and while nothing about it is particularly special, I found it endearing. The tile-clearing gameplay is fun and fits the gacha format well and there's a lot of cute character designs. I never really got into the story but just grinding everyone up was enjoyable. Only really dropping it because I finished maxing out a couple teams for each element and there's just not much else motivation to play. Connolly cute!

Tiene buena historia y gameplay pero da flojera que requiera mucha atención para obtener los materiales de invocación aparte de que requiere mucho grindeo subir personajes y obtener material de invocación además de que su estilo y varios personajes se copia mucho del estilo Arknights y Genshin

Fui pelo gacha e pelos furrys, recebi uns furry que era tudo fraco e fiquei triste, e no fim a jogabilidade é nem um pouco satisfatória e até me lembra candy crush, é uma jogabilidade meio única mas de um jeito não muito legal, a história não teve nada demais até onde eu parei mas também não era tão ruim e o jogo até que era bonitinho. O que mais gostei foi da aparência dos inimigos. +Gacha

Fun gameplay, great art, great characters, and a solid story. Lots to do when you aren't doing the main story. Only downside being a lot of the cool aesthetic apparel is pay to get.

cena segs😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Pls

Very fun game, with unique gameplay for a gacha game that actually requires strategy and tactics. However, the banners are split, and there is no banner pity. I do not play games without banner pity, and thus abandoned.

Mostly fun times with this game