Reviews from

in the past

Not nearly as bad as its reputation. For someone looking for more Hitman after 2/C/BM/2016, I'd recommend this and the first Death to Spies over C47/Absolution/DtS Moment of Truth. Shit rating system though.

From the initial boot onward Alekhine's Gun has not had much going on for it.

The experience felt very cheaply put together, a sort of Hitman Blood Money in a different timeline without any of the polish, the screenshots looked super promising and really raised my expectations that were sadly quickly shattered.

There is however still fun to be had it is just that during all of my in game time I kept wishing that I would be spending my session in any other stealth focused video game.

Still, I was determined to at least check a few more levels out after spending a pair of hours exploring and eventually completing the first one. I truly wanted to give the game a bit more of a chance seeing how positively it seems to live on in the hearts of fans.

However my session was cut short as a bug made it impossible for me to select continue after the level completion, it is imperative to be clicked on this button as the keyboard won't react in this specific case. My mouse cursor has been invisible ever since even following multiple repairs and reinstalls.

It seems like after my expectations were broken the game decided it shall break itself once and for all, a terrible fate I wish for no game and I do wholeheartedly hope good health to any copy of Alekhine's Gun out there and to their respective owners.

It’s a terrible Hitman clone with PS2 graphics. Not worth the play even if it was free.