Reviews from

in the past

AVP 2 is great but sadly Primal Hunt expansion abandons all what made base game so great. I played it and advise you to skip it as it is - in my opinion - waste of time.

An expansion pack, that deserves attention for those who enjoyed the Aliens vs. Predator 2 game. The storyline reveals even more of an already interesting and fascinating story of the game. Only this time, we'll find out what happened long before the events in the main game.
This time we have three new characters. Ancient Predator has even more new weapons, but they are mostly useless. Dunya is a member of a group of mercenaries called the Iron Bears, who are the bad guys in the main game's story. She also has new weapons available in addition to what was in the main game. The game also provides a unique opportunity to take on the role of Predalien - a monstrous hybrid of an Alien and a Predator with its own advantages and disadvantages.
New game locations are now available for us to explore. The gameplay is sometimes too long and consists of confronting huge waves of Aliens. It's often a good idea to just ignore the enemies and run headlong from point A to point B. But overall, the expansion turned out to be good and quite interesting.