Reviews from

in the past

Reading the Steam reviews for this game would have you believe that Aliens Versus Predator Classic 2000 is on par with games such as the original Half-Life or Quake 3. Though this comparison is mainly drawn because of the timeframe of these game's releases and not actually indicative of AvPC200's quality. Yes this game is kind of like Half-Life and Quake 3 in the sense that they all are FPSs that came out around the same time. However, I believe the comparisons end there as this game lacks any of the qualities that made those 2 games enjoyable. Quake 3 has fun gunplay, this game does not. Half-Life has great level design, this game does not.

Is it fun to shoot guys as Predator with a spear gun using heat vision? Yeah! Is it fun to run around slashing people as an alien? Of course! However those moments are strung together by upwards of 10 minutes of being completely lost in the maze-like level design. After a while the charm of playing as Predator starts to wear off when I'm sitting on the game over screen asking myself "am I even having fun?"

I write this review not to rag on this game because, yeah, I get it. It's a game that's over 2 decades old and is currently going for 4 dollars on Steam. Mainly I just find it interesting to see so many praise this game for so many different reasons and then to play it and get total whiplash as I find out, this game sucks ass actually! Many of the Steam reviews cite loving the game as a kid and this makes me wonder, would my opinion be different if I had also played this game as a kid? I spent a lot of time playing bad games in my childhood and even though I can obviously point out their flaws now, the nostalgia does still shield those imperfections from my overall vision of those games.

Maybe if I had played this at the right place and at the right time then I might have enjoyed it. But I didn't, so I didn't.

jankfest of 3 horror games in one

It's really frenetic and fast paced but almost everything kills you, can only save 4 times per level and half of the time of every level is figuring out where to go

Es buen juego sip, tiene detalles que me encantan y se nota que los desarrolladores si amaban la saga de alien, siendo en mi opinión la campaña del xenoformo la mejor de todas, ya que te hace sentir como ese organismo perfecto que menciona ash en su discurso, los humanos están mejores armados y todo pero los niveles te dan formas de acercarte rápidamente y matar a tus enemigos de manera simple pero violenta sintiendo ese nulo remordimiento de la creatura, los mapas tienen ese adn que te hace decir, COMO EN LA PELICULA, al principio lo de trepar paredes es algo frustrante pero se le puede dar mucho juego de como moverte por los mapas, un ost muy parecido a la franquicia, después existen otro detallitos geniales como si dejas un depredador al borde de la muerte estos pueden explotar, los modos de visión y otras referencias sueltas, es buen juego pero en muchos tramos quería dropearlo en serio consideró que existen partes DEMACIADO MOLESTAS, por ejemplo poner personajes cerca de explosivos a si cuando le pegues con el alien PUM PUTA EXPLOSION EN LA CARA, oh con la campaña del marine que en el penultimo nivel te tiran un pretoriano en un pasillo estrecho en la cara y después de eso enfrentarte a otros tres pretorianos, también con los tres personajes es facil quedarse dando vueltas un largo ratoooooo, volviéndose aburrido para que después ups lo siento apareció un xenomorfo y te mato por la espalda si no guardaste todo de nuevo amiguito, simplemente como experiencia personal no la pase muy bien en algunas partes haciéndome cuestionar por que seguir, pero tiene elementos muy buenos a pesar de todo y se lo recomiendo a los que aman estas dos franquicias, quitando el estrés que me provoco si me hizo sentirme como ambas creaturas.

10% shooting 90% getting lost and being confused

Fast, hard and undercooked. The reason we quality control testers.

A good old game that only brings me good memories. You have 3 storylines that have extra episodes that can be unlocked if you complete the levels in a certain difficulty. The 3 storylines belong to a Marine, an Alien, and a Predator, each one has his special abilities. Some levels are pretty hard, I even got lost in some, some others I got caught by surprise (I'm looking at you, turrets!), but that's one of the reasons this game is good, as most of the classic games.