Reviews from

in the past

skeletal? orthodox? begging to differ from the game's own storefront terminology, this beast is unorthodox and exoskeletal; an articulate boneworld bursting with juicy meat. sexual subspace shoot 'em up grind-core. a cruel angel's cathexis. armored angelguts touhou for a hellbound heart. beautiful, depraved, forlorn, metal, a feast for demise within the realm of a dying sun.

give it a try if you like the aesthetic and even just consider yourself a dabbler in shooting games (bullet hell or not). it's a uniquely approachable game with an excellent tutorial and an original mode full of branching paths and weapons to collect and upgrade, angels to unlock, etc.

This might be the coolest a game has ever looked.

Absolutely incredible shmup. I'm so-so on body horror, but this is somehow equal parts grotesque and beautiful. Every so often, I'm completely captivated by the spectacle of it all, even after playing through most modes multiple times.

I generally go for cute hard games like Celeste and Touhou (and just cute stuff in general), but something about grinding mountains of flesh with the killer Metal soundtrack of Mission Fallen really does it for me.

I would recommend this game for beginners and pros alike. The barrier for entry is very low but it's also engaging at a higher level.

Despite being touted as a "skeletal shmup", this game is quite beefy, with a ton to explore in the menus for ships and modes that offer very different experiences (though once you go Evil, you'll never go back).

10/10 Would chomp on skeletons again.

What i expected: Akiragoya eroguro at it's peak.

What I got: the best tutorial that's ever been in an STG, shitposting AND Akiragoya eroguro at it's peak. Best game of the year so far.

Любите шмапы и бади хоррор? Немедленно берите эту игру.

Pretty cool shmup with a pretty sick artstyle. Game has a really in depth tutorial so it's a pretty decent entry point in the genre and the original modes that let you upgrade your ship with more powerful weapons you grab through the stages add a bit more longevity than just going through the arcade mode.

The chronicle mode is pretty cool but can get a little tedious after a while as it has a lot of stages and it can take a while to get to where you last were. The games levelling can also make the difficulty feel uneven as it gives you a pretty big powerup that can make a portion of the game feel easier as the game ramps back up to match the new power level of your ship.

Minha primeira experiência real com um shmup, simplesmente absurdo. Estética ABSURDA, a OST nem se fale, provavelmente uma das mais incríveis que eu já ouvi. Com certeza vou jogar mais futuramente, tanto esse (tentar vencer nas dificuldades mais difíceis, não sei se sou capaz) e outros shmups.