Reviews from

in the past

Unless you REALLY like Mashiro you can just ignore this one and skip to extra 2 (I like Mashiro a lot for the record I'm sorry for giving her fandisk a 4/10). Even if I didn't hate this that much corny romance is bad for the soul... Also the SoL in base Aokana is just so much better. There's a lot of nice cgs here tho

Beautiful, my soul is cleansed, thanks sprite.
Now waiting for Misaki's fandisc.

Always amusing in animanga (and VNs) how much of a Big Huge Massive Deal characters make simple dates out to be, like damn just relax a little, it shouldn't be making your entire week beforehand this stressful :( But whatever this was cute, may you dorks live happily ever after, and more importantly my body is now ready for Extra2

Attention crew of the SS Misaki, this is your captain, Papa_B speaking. We have run into some unexpected trouble on our righteous path towards Extra 2 and our one true love Misaki.

I won't lie, the turbulence detected ahead could be fatal. Mashiro stands in our way in all her adorable glory and seems intent taking over the ship. But I know you all; staunch soldiers of our dark haired angst-filled playful and busty namesake, we shall never falter in the face of such trite moe-blobbery.

Not if she spends weeks learning to cook just for us.

Not even if she becomes maidshiro and cleans our room for us while flirtily posing in an attempt to sway us.

Not in the case she reaches her finally form of meowshiro, speaking entirely in absurdly cringey yet undeniably adorable cat noises.

Indeed, not even should she hand feed us the lunch she spent so long making while smiling in a wonderful dress and filling our world with happiness and beauty will we stumble on our path.


Mashiro is offering a lap pillow while telling me how much she loves me and stroking my hair...

The moe moe reactor has reached critical mass, I can feel my love for the angst fading... I'm sorry crew, but this is probably the end. I am living the dream, chasing Mashiro across the beach while she calls me darling and the sun begins to set. To all of you out there who haven't given in, I commend your stalwart dedication to the cause...

This is Papa_B, captain of the SS Mashiro speaking. I can no longer activate the angst-drive; I'm stranded out here. But maybe it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I have been filled with the pure white cuteness and swear never to go back. This is my promise.

At least until I play Extra 2 like a day from now.