Reviews from

in the past

Wow! A non-combative 4X with little animals that just harvest rocks, trees and stuff. Yet, this is a horrifically stressful and bleak game. I'd compare it to Oregon Trail, where you manage a group of travellers to reach their goal of a final location. Instead of the road being harsh on the travellers, you're playing every stop in order to survive or fail.

I believe I played as each tribe with their own starting conditions, but haven't completed every journey. I still feel that is enough to get a sense of the game and recommend it.

It is a fun but challenging strategy and colony simulator game. Thankfully, each location and traits among the travellers are randomized. There is a very stressful time allotted to each land, so exploring needs to be properly balanced with laying a foundation for everyone to start working.

Each traveller grows with experience based on the work they're doing, and resources that can be applied for the entire journey. The skill trees of individual travellers is an excellent aspect of this game, and really provides character to these little creatures you control.

There's a struggle to manage surviving and meeting the exit goal for each land, along with misfortunes thrown at the world sporadically. This is fun and rather tense the closer the time limit approaches, but it leads directly into the frustrating stalemate the game places the player in.

This game offers incredible replay value, which will be happening because of how brutally unforgiving it is. If you're doing well in a land, there is no mechanic to snowball into an overpowered force. Instead, every event that occurs or new land that is explored will take so much out of your resources, worker, or the land you're on, that every stop is a struggle. Furthermore, these struggles feel like mostly uphill battles, which is unfortunate because there will be times in when the player will overcome challenges and be aiming on a trajectory to skid to the finish line, then a few turns later the game is essentially lost due to a surprise event that took the only remaining resources needed to advance.

Even though I was successful in my first run of the game, I skipped the in-game tutorial (there are also tutorial prompts in the game). I understood it fairly quickly, but there are some menus and values in the game that require tooltips, or have their explanations buried in sub-menus.

Returning to the beginning isn't a bad thing though. The start of each game is exciting and full of possibilities that may not be the same with every run. As Far As the Eye is a very interesting 4X game that is incredibly punishing that rewards forward-thinking strategies and sacrifices not often seen in the genre.

This game is so... dense. Feels like playing the crunchiest worker placement game. A good, overwhelming time. Pretty too.

A good resource management strategy game. It has cute character designs and a fairly fun loop with some interesting modifiers and roles to manage. It isn’t doing anything wholly original but it is a very good execution on the core mechanics with a good aesthetic

maybe im missing something but it feels like its dense yet empty at the same time. There's so much to do but once I hit the Eye there is no progression for a next run, again, unless im missing something