Reviews from

in the past

Beyond Sunset has amazing level design and presentation. Both visuals and design of play areas and arenas make the most out of GZDOOM's advanced geometry and rendering ability. So many fights have environmental surprises in how they expand, change, or appear while you fight in them. Sunset City is the best environment in a GZDOOM game I've yet seen.

Playing Beyond Sunset is fun, but encounters have not had enough time on them to match the quality of the world they occur in. Lucy's arsenal is a low-power, low-utility duo of weapons that, while enough to beat encounters, don't output enough to feel like they can be effectively used. On the hidden 'Challenge' Mode, the extreme difference in player and enemy weapon effectiveness makes fights into protracted spraydowns between frenetic powerkilling, rather than the glass-cannon pouncing I expect was intentional. And even if it wasn't, spending a solid 3 seconds hosing down a robot isn't always enjoyable.

Beyond Sunset is definitely still worth it now, but I do hope its middle chapters get a refresh before its Early Access period ends. I feel the game's strengths fade as it goes on.

The first area looks kinda nice albeit bland. There are mods that are better than this

A neat idea, and visually interesting, but mechanically feels very shallow. None of the weapons quite feel right, and switching between each weapon feels clunky and awkward.

I honestly kinda want to just post Krusty's "what the hell was that?" clip and be done.

Beyond Sunset seems like a promising boomer shooter that mixes in some RPG elements, and I was fully on-board at first.

The game starts out VERY strong. The first episode is an open city of a few interconnected maps where your mission is to defeat a few minibosses to collect keykards. Simple enough, but the presentation, sheer size, secrets, and side-quests make it really impressive. Each map feels unique, from the skyscraper-filled residential area to the quarantined slums that have a constant stream of respawning zombies.
Your reason for exploring is also quite good, as the game has currency and upgrades for your guns and health, which make secret hunting much more desireable than any sort of super armor would. Quite a few secrets are marked on the map, but upon finishing Episode 1 I was delighted to learn that the game has quite a few unmarked ones, as I missed maybe 10 of them.

That's, unfortunately, where my fun stopped.

Episode 1 provides a very interesting experience interweaving shooting with exploration and some light RPG elements, and Episode 2 drops it entirely.
The halls of a cyberpunk megacorp are menacing and larger-than-life, the architecture and art design are stellar, but the gameplay takes a nosedive. For whatever reason the game almost completely shifts its focus into being an arena shooter in the vein of Serious Sam or Painkiller. Travel for a few feet, destroy like a hundred enemies, do this a few times to clean out one of three sectors. Not to worry though, you'll be back here soon enough. Even if there was no backtracking, all three sectors are fairly similar compared to city's enviroments and are comprised of an outer ring where you have to dispatch enemies 4 times, and then 3 rooms where you have to do the same.

I have no idea what happened here. It's not unfun, but it becomes extremely tedious and the only pace-breaker are little "hacking" puzzle sections which, granted, I've enjoyed a lot. The game pulls the rug from under you and feels like it just wants to be tons of arenas where you shoot guys with a fairly limited weapon selection. At least Serious Sam had weird secrets and a fairly sizeable arsenal...

Beyond Sunset promises 5 episodes and Episode 3 is a complete dud. Featuring only around 15 minutes of tower defence-like gameplay where you run around and fix turrets with material dropped by enemies. There are no secrets left, no exploration to speak of, and the difficulty which was already fairly low on Normal becomes a complete cakewalk which only means Episode 3 is grueling.

I try not to be hard on indie games and I was willing to overlook some issues with Episode 1 which consisted of graphical glitches and weirdly overly demanding performance in some maps that made my alright PC chug (on a game that uses GZDoom, no less!), but the complete shift in Episodes 2 and 3 and realizing I've beaten more than half the game of which I've enjoyed the first 1.5 hours at most make this game hard to recommend.

1. bölüm çok iyiydi lakin 2 ve 3 te bir tempo düşüklüğü vardı daha erken erişimde umarım iyi güncellemeler alır.

This game shows a lot of promise for a boomer shooter. Episode 1 is fun!

Episode 2 and 3, not so much.

I know it's early access and there are two more episodes still to be made, but I'm not sure how those will turn out. I'm hoping the game doesn't turn out to be a dud at least.