Reviews from

in the past

Um jogo nostálgico, referência de qualidade.

Um ótimo jogo, não faz nada de mega inovador mas os gráficos são BÉLISSIMOS e é muito fácil se pegar assobiando as musicas depois

A very short, sweet game. Perfect example of the classic Disney games of yesteryear. Wonder if the remake is as good as this one...

Incredibly easy, but pretty superlative platformer with some quality sound and visuals. Simple and child-friendly, no real challenge but a well-made and jaunty Disney romp. Quite short with a couple of secret spots, but not much else.

A fun and colorful, if simplistic, entry in the pre-Sonic era of the Sega Genesis.


PB: 25:08

Os jogos do Mickey são sempre lindo e este jogo é rico em detalhes. Certeza que era exigência da Disney: o jogo ser lindo.

This game is gorgeous even decades later. It does a great job of recreating the look of old Disney cartoons, and because of that it feels like more than your standard half-assed cash grab that many licensed games end up being.

Platforming is pretty fun, there's a creative variety of level themes and ideas that keep things interesting. Music is decent but not amazing.

This a bit too simple for me to consider a great game, but I'd still recommend it.

Back in early 1990s Disney were still known, primarily, as a purveyor of animated movies but they also released a lot of surprisingly good videogames too. The Mega Drive was graced with solid games based on The Lion King and Aladdin but also had a line-up of games starring Disney's flagship characters: Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. This was great for childhood me because I've always had a soft spot for those classic Mickey and Donald shorts.

Castle of Illusion, Mickey's first Mega Drive adventure, is a quaint, innocuous little platformer. It controls well, has a comfy visual style and a lovely little soundtrack. It's a game that sees Mickey exploring a variety of imaginative realms and dispatching enemies with projectiles or a good ol' fashioned ground pound attack. It's basic but it's a lot of fun and certainly superior to many of early SEGA's own pre-Sonic the Hedgehog Mega Drive titles.

Castle of Illusion is a pleasant reminder of a time when Disney games weren't just good, they were actually among the best games available on a given system. This game is obviously designed for a younger audience because it's not particularly challenging but in Kirby-esque fashion it's such a well designed little game that it's easy to enjoy no matter your skill level because it's so darn charming.

A game lodged into my childhood memories is a decent platformer where you can play as Mickey Mouse. There's a lot of creativity in each level; dodging spiders in a massive spider-web, going upside down in the toy world, going into a giant jar of milk and jumping through a massive land of milk and cake, that sort of thing. It really shows the potential of a 16-bit Disney game. Each stage's gimmick seems to be contained to its own level, which is a little disappointing. It's also pretty short (RIP to anyone thinking "Rainbow Gems" means 7 levels), though with only two continues, I can't say this game is a breeze to just play through. I couldn't beat it as a kid, that's for sure.

An absolutely fantastic platformer, very different from the Megadrive version, but equally good and fun to play.

I have a childhood memory of it, even though I wasn't born around the time of release... the game is really cute and fun, despite being quite slow.

Clássico! Belo jogo. Algo que deveria ter sido feito para os jogos da Turma da Mônica. Muito divertido!

Castle of Illusion es un plataformero que lo hace bien en todos sus apartados, con una dificultad muy equilibrada. Podemos acabar con nuestros enemigos saltando encima de ellos (no todos) o lanzándoles manzanas (para Disney, en estos tiempos, el arma definitiva es la manzana) Esto último es interesante porque no son infinitas, las vamos recogiendo, y a veces es importante las manzanas que tengamos disponibles para superar partes mas fácilmente. Lo saltos son precisos, visualmente es genial, la música... Muy recomendable.

(This is the 26th game in my challenge to go through many known games in chronological order starting in 1990. The spreadsheet is in my bio.)

Quick word on the challenge I'm doing. This will be needless for those of you who are looking for a review of the game, but it's still something I'd like to mention quickly for those following along (those +-0 of you).

The Sega Genesis obviously launched in Aug 1989 in NA already, so it's not like Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse is the first 16 bit game to come out since I started this, nor is it even the first Sega Genesis game I've played. So far I've played Batman and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for the system.

But we're now in November 1990, and this game actually released on the same date as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, which would be November 21st, 1990. That console, as is well-known, is the best-selling 16-bit home console, so that's why we're starting to really get into 16-bit territory here, and I am incredibly excited to try out a bunch of classics for the first time from an era many still call the best for console games - if not games in general.

Is this game, developed and published by Sega for the Sega Genesis, the highlight of the era already? Some say it's right up there with Super Mario World as one of the best platformers of this time (SMW also released on November 21, 1990) but to spoiler my conclusion a little bit, I don't really think it's close. This game is fun but has plenty of flaws, so let's get into it.

The story is explained at the beginning and in the manual. Minnie is kidnapped by the evil witch Mizrabel (great name btw), because she is jealous of Minnie's beauty. So Mickie makes his way to the Castle of Illusion to save Minnie. An old man there tells him that he needs seven gems of the rainbow to rescue her. Why? Who knows.

There will be an epilogue as well but no other form of storytelling in between from what I can tell, so nothing worth talking about here.

The gameplay is very simple and basic. You move from side to side in this 2D platformer and can either jump on enemies or shoot projectiles (often fruit) at them. If you jump on them, it catapults you up and enables you to reach otherwise unreachable platforms. That's definitely the most unique part about this game's gameplay.

Levels are heavy on platforming and the likelihood that you will fall to your death increases with each level you pass. One cave level where the next platform was so easily miss able if you jump a milli-second too early was especially frustrating.

The game starts you off with three health, 3 lives per continue and 2 continues. Your i-frames after taking a hit only last a second or so, so it's very easy to die within seconds. Since hit frames are sometimes too big, enemies sometimes just pop out of the ground with almost no forewarning and a jump on the enemy's head doesn't get recognized properly (you get damage for missing it), you often lose health unfairly. This is precisely where any comparison to a game like Super Mario World is just not reasonable. I'm playing Super Mario World as we speak and the difference in quality is so high that it actually surprised me quite a lot to see people actually comparing the two.

I've also encountered a bug where I somehow jumped over a tree during a boss fight and couldn't go back to the other direction, meaning that I was stuck.

Gems are acquired by beating bosses after the end of each level, which aren't too difficult, but I failed the second one twice because my jumps on his head just didn't register for some reason. I decided to abandon the game some time after the third boss because while I was doing platforming on tiny tiny platforms, I realized the game didn't immediately register that you let go of the forward button, which made me slip off the platform and fall to my demise.

Apart from these issues it's not a very difficult game, but there is also nothing really exciting about it. There is plenty of stuff you can argue for here apart from its gameplay, and I'll likely agree with you, but I must say that this was not that fun to play.

No voice acting. Sound design was mostly pretty good and I liked how a lot of actions actually got a sound to accompany them, like even jumping or throwing stuff, which doesn't happen in a lot of platformers I've played recently. The music was fine overall but I can't say I liked it that much. My favorite track definitely was the one used for the boss fights but the soundtrack just didn't get me into a playful/whimsical kinda mood like I would have expected.

Lots and lots of colorful, bright worlds are present in this game, with plenty of variety between them. To mention something a little more lowkey, I liked how the clouds outside kept moving even if you were standing still and how much detail was put into the horizon, even if it's not something a player will really focus on a lot.

But simply graphically, this is definitely one of the best one's you will find from this entire year.

I didn't always feel like the music used for a particular level necessarily fit the mood, but overall the colorful levels and their overall designs managed to do a solid enough job of putting me in the mood of playing a Mickey Mouse platform adventure. If someone is reading this: Sometimes I feel silly seriously critiquing a game like this, at the end of the day it's a game for children that isn't meant to be taken apart this way. Right? I don't know, I'm definitely going to be glad when a lot more mature games start coming up on the playlist.

There is some fine content here for platformer enthusiasts. This game should take about 3 hours for your average gamer and lead you through a variety of different worlds. But the game overall has pretty basic gameplay and plenty of frustration to come with it, even if there certainly is much worse out there in that regard.

Mostly the levels are designed pretty much as you would expect. The difficulty is definitely lower than for many comparable platformers. Most of the time you just go into a specific direction and are offered with very little choice in how to deal with the dangers. Move, kill or avoid, beware of gravity, find the exit at the end of the screen.

Some levels also include underwater sections, and these just frankly sucked. A piranha would usually wait for you in there and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to move past it without taking damage.

The worlds are definitely lookers here, and there even is one part where you have to trigger a button to flip the level over. Your character can then still walk upside down, while all others fall down. Nothing major but a nice changeup. Other than that, this is a pretty basic licensed platformer, though it does look pretty good graphically for its time.

Apart from trying to beat your high score, there also are some secrets to discover, which might warrant a second playthrough for you.

The game works well at pretty much all times, but I did encounter one bug and I disliked how letting go of the forward button would only register like a second later.

The game looks great for a 1990 game, and certainly it was a big deal when it released. You'll be hard-pressed to find a review below 9/10 back in the day. But in today's day and age, we have a game that simply shows its flaws and can't wow in the same way with its strengths. And turns out, its flaws, at least to me, are worse than in many other games I've played from this year recently. And if we just compare to Super Mario World, we can also see that a big difference in quality exists on pretty much every level. Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse is fine and should probably be played if you're looking to go through gaming history like I am, even if in a much more condensed way. Why? Because the ratings tell me you shouldn't look into my thoughts too deeply. But at the same time, I've played too many comparable games to really feel bad about standing where I do on this game.

- J. M. for VGCE, Issue 24 (Jan 91): "Castle of Illusion is, quite plainly, one of the most fabulous run-and-jump games ever created."
- Sushi-X, Issue 17 (Dec 90): "Music... a 10+!"

É bom, mas falta alguma coisa pra deixar ele mais memorável, ainda prefiro o primeiro Magical Quest.

bem legal zerei ele faz uns anos

Classic platformer, showing off what the Genesis did so well. I wish these would make a comeback (although Illusion Island was a fun recent successor)

Esse jogo tem cheiro de infância. Eu lembro de ficar incontáveis horas na frente da televisão junto da minha irmã mais velha, tentando passar de chefes e fases que pareciam impossíveis pras duas crianças à época.

A nostalgia me impede de avaliar o jogo como outra coisa que não uma obra prima, ele guardou em cada uma das fases um pouco de uma parte da minha vida, um período em que as coisas eram mais simples, onde tudo ainda era muito místico e muito novo. A música me acompanhou por mais de 20 anos e, apesar de só voltar a jogar e terminar ele hoje, sabia de cor a trilha sonora da fase da floresta.

Paguei uma dívida com o meu eu criança e hoje ele dorme feliz e sorridente por ver o final desse jogo tão divertido.

It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's a great example of a well done platformer that nails the controls, visuals and sound all in one nice package.

I really like this game. It's a decent alternative to Sonic 1 and everything, and even a decent Mickey Mouse/Disney game. Not a bad one, imo.

It is a bit of a bummer that the Master System and Mega Drive games are both grouped within the same page as they are very different games, but thankfully both are incredibly good, so we will make do.

Os jogos do Mickey são sempre lindo e este jogo é rico em detalhes. Certeza que era exigência da Disney: o jogo ser lindo.

The Genesis version still has that great Master System energy but with the clockwork-flat 16-bit design that I love more than the painterly World of Illusion. The weight of the jump and bounce attack is really satisfying, and the level design is smart and varied.