Reviews from

in the past

a decent enough experience. i don't have any major complaints, although i will say it stopped really being scary after a certain point. the little symbols and pneumatic tube messages were my favourite part of the game, which isn't an insult.

Really great story, sound is bad, meh ending, but the Nikola Tesla element is great

An okay adventure game, the story was nothing special and the characters served a purpose and not much else. Having specific sections being a chase sequence was a good decision so it wasn't a dreadful horror game with lack luster stealth.

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- I followed this game quite a bit pre-launch as it gave a very Bioshock kind of vibe
- While it clearly takes inspiration from that, it never quite goes the whole way
- Allusions to horror just end up as nothing or cheap jump scares
- Some of the plot points and themes feel a bit forced and not as clever as they try to be
- The lack of NPCs (except for Tesla and that guy who follows you in the game) makes it feel pretty empty - like it was never lived-in in the first place
- But all in all, since it took such inspiration from Bioshock, still a fun game

O jogo com um level design bem bonito e de início parece ser um jogo bem charmoso. Sua trilha e arte são bem bonitas mas apesar de curto o jogo começa a ficar bem repetitivo apartir de um ponto e sua história fica desinteressante e previsível e seus puzzles e inimigos são entediante.

Game with beautiful visuals reminiscent of Bioshock and Dishonored, Short simple but interesting story. The negative point for me was the gameplay was a bit stuck and had some bugs. But overall a reasonably satisfactory experience.

I'm not usually a horror game player but I figured I'd give this a whirl. I finished it in just under four hours. It was.... Okay. Flip some switches, read some notes and OH SHIT ITS TIME TO RUN. Then repeat but maybe in a different order. Story was okay, not terribly interesting but did make sense given your character is thrown into a scientific environment but isn't a scientist.

A scary and thoughtfully designed exploration adventure. If you're like me, it will pull you in with the world and story.

I really liked the atmosphere and general style of the game. It could have fleshed it's setting out more (the world felt a bit empty bc there is not much to interact with or even find) but it was pretty solid with it's story and characters.

The setting is beautiful, the graphics are insanely good, and the story is serviceable. I did about 6 runs to get the speedrun and no dying achievements and wasn't bored or frustrated having to replay it at any time.

It does have a lot of stutter issues at times, however. Heavy ones as well.

~ Jogo que se vende como terror, mas que não passa de um mero walking simulator ruim. A ambientação é foda, mas a história é chata e desinteressante com o plot sendo extremamente previsível, honestamente esperava mais.

Close to the Sun is a game that knows what it wants to look like, but not what it wants to be. The story is serviceable, but never goes quite far enough to really be anything much more than a B-movie spy plot.

The gameplay is a walking simulator with some simple puzzles that - like the story - never quite push the limit to be anything incredibly interesting.

The best parts of this title are the quiet moments where you get to appreciate the aesthetic.

The worst parts are by far any time the game fails to explain something properly. Chapter 3 is a notable downfall where I wandered aimlessly looking for a room that I couldn't draw for you now it was so unremarkable.

The voice cast was good enough and allowed for some of the writing to shine through, but a fair assortment of plot holes, cringe dialogue, and characters offering puzzles instead of helping in dire situations distracted from the immersion.

I wanted to like this game more than I did, and I especially had hoped it could scratch a Bioshock itch that it's so clearly inspired by. Unfortunately, there were simply too many bumps along the road for me.

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sound mixing hurt my ears, sisters death made me lol, glitched out of the map, only good bit was when it first started on that little boat the atmosphere felt good, then it was just wtf

Il grosso problema non è rappresentato tanto dal game design derivativo (come perdonare un plot-twist così pigro?) o dalle dozzinali sequenze trial & error contornate da puzzle risolti in meccaniche a dir poco elementari. Il problema è che nel breve viaggio di Rose Archer non c'è nulla di rilevante, nessun sussulto o embrionale vagito di idee inespresse. Solo una sequela di situazioni già viste/vissute che finiscono laddove dovrebbe sussistere un nuovo inizio. Di cosa, non è però dato sapere.