Reviews from

in the past

i shit my pants it was bad.

This feels like a free mobile game or a $3 WiiWare game that should have come out in like 2008. That doesn't inherently make it bad... but this game isn't great anyway. As a platformer it's kinda bad; I think it wants to be a beat 'em up, but it's worse at that; and as a weird fighter it's... well it's not the worst platform fighter out there, I guess?

Really all this game made me realize was how much I hate the style of the Kunio-kun sprites.

"It can't be that bad"
plays it
"It's that bad"

The main game is ass, the Colorful Fighters minigame (the reason most probably got the game in the first place) is really basic but apparently a competitive scene exists? And Potemkin is the best character in the game? The only time they let us be good is in this shit.

It's just boring.

It gets half a point because the pixel art is cute.

ArcSys should ashamed for shoving this down my throat as the only option to have a Guilty Gear and BlazBlue crossover.