Reviews from

in the past

É repetitivo e é um retrocesso em questão de exploração em comparação ao DS1, é o mais linear dos jogos da From, mesmo eu gostando dos cenários eles são totalmente desconexos, tem a lore mais fraca dos Souls e mais desinteresse do que a de Demon's, metade do jogo é fanservice mascado do DS1, e as bonfires são muito mal pensadas; outra coisa, a trilha sonora é, mas muito massificado, desde a música de menu até as OST's mais fodas, todas as OST's tentam ser muito mais épicas que as outras, que perde um pouco de peso, até certa parte, algumas parecem muito semelhantes, pelo menos 1/3 da trilha sonora é totalmente esquecível pelo menos que eu já citei, tal como o design de mundo do jogo. Eu só subi a nota por causa que a Sister Friede e o Gael são os responsáveis por umas das melhores boss fights de toda a franquia, e que apesar de merecido, eu ainda tenho várias críticas ao jogo base.

Dark Souls. One of the greatest series to ever exist and not even mentioning Fromsofts huge catalogue of other games which are amazing. This game is the biggest send off and goodbye to this beloved series as it comes to an end.
The Fire Fades.

The epitome and the set standard for the highest quality gaming ever. The best Dark Souls combat ever alongside with Fromsofts fragmented narrative is insanely peak. The realization that everything about this game results in the end and this game represents the end of dark souls as a whole with especially the final dlc boss fight being also placed at the ending of the world. A 1v1, in an empty battle field of just two people fighting it out.

thats all i have to fucking say

Pessoalmente, considero o primeiro Dark Souls o melhor da trilogia e até agora o melhor soulslike que já joguei (ainda não joguei Sekiro nem Elden Ring), mas, sinceramente, não tem problema nenhum alguém achar esse o melhor da trilogia. Apesar de não ser tão inovador quanto o primeiro e mais linear que os seus antecessores, ele executa toda a fórmula com perfeição e fecha a trilogia de maneira sensacional. Com relação as DLCs, segue todo o padrão de DLC de soulslike da From, ou seja, PERFEITO.

Dark Souls 3 is more or less the direct sequel to Dark Souls 1. If Dark Souls 1 was important to you, Dark Souls 3 does its best to wrap up the legacy that the series started. Dark Souls 3 really does feel like the end of things, either it being a refined mishmash of DkS1, DkS2, and Bloodborne, or its story beats making it abundantly clear that things aren't meant to last forever.

The Ringed City is a suitable ending to the entire series, and the Ashes of Ariandel gives a bullshit but enjoyable boss fight at the end of it. The DLC doesn't feel like Dark Souls 2 where it heavily re-orientates the core experience. It's just add-on content that's fun and, well, an expansion of the base game.

The gameplay feels like an advancement of Dark Souls 1 with sprinkles of 2, and heavy influences of Bloodborne in there just to speed things up a bit compared to its predecessors. Unlike the bullshit you dealt with in DkS2 and adaptability, everything just feels "right" in DkS3. Movement feels appropriate, i--frames feel fixed, and stamina is back to mattering unlike Bloodborne where it's merely a suggestion. The magic system was revamped a-la Demon's Souls where you have a proper magic/special move meter instead of the archaic Dark Souls 1 and 2 method of spellcasting.

Dark Souls 3 is in that awkward place where DkS2 made a bunch of changes to the game's formula, fucked up a lot of it, and DkS3 spends time undoing most of what that game set out to do, for better and for worse. It lacks some of the more adventurous changes that Dark Souls 2 had, even the ones that worked out well. Whereas Bloodborne felt like a step aggressively forward and DkS2 felt like a step, well, somewhere, Dark Souls 3 is comfortable just slightly moving things forward. Its only real flaw is that it feels a bit safe, that it does not push the series towards any meaningful direction. Less friendlier takes would call the game uninspired.

It's just comfortable with cleaning things up and playing the series out with some nice fanservice. Which is fine and good.

I love this game so much. What an amazing ending to the souls series, and it has some of the best bosses that fromsoftware have ever made.

the worst souls game with free filler dlc

my first souls game, wish I could play it blind all over again

The worst Platinum grind of my life, but otherwise this game is incredible

Fantastic game with 2 great dlcs

I can't believe they had the audacity to copy Elden Ring the greatest game of all time.

Apart from 4 bosses, the game way easier than anything I'd expected. Kept scaring myself thinking every boss had 2-3 phases cause of how easy they were.

Glad they said Dark Souls three times tho

La versión con los dos DLCs que en mi opinión, merecen bastante la pena. Siguiendo con reconocer la saga ese año, me salté, después de intentarlo bastante, el DS2, al que prometo que intentaré más adelante darle otra oportunidad, y me metí a la tercera entrega. He ganado en salud y gozo.

DS3 es llevar la primera entrega al pulido máximo. Se incorporan mecánicas que facilitan el camino, como llevar bastantes frascos de estus, poder elegir cuántos quieres, la capacidad de usar también para la magia, ataques especiales de las armas... Pero donde más se nota es en la precisión del movimiento, en lo fluido que se convierte tanto la esquiva como el ataque. No me he encontrado en ningún momento en situaciones injustas. Lo único, el maldito salto, no me hago a él.

Poniéndome más en materia, el juego me ha molado, me parece que tiene una atención al detalle majestuoso, la arquitectura es preciosa, se combina con una maravillosa banda sonora y es un absoluto disfrute ir explorando las diferentes zonas para desentramar la narrativa que se esconde en cada detalle. Si bien es cierto que, como todo lo que he jugado de FromSoftware a lo largo del año, me ha encantado, debo decir que DS3 es el que menos me ha gustado en este aspecto.

Considero que bebe excesivamente del gran éxito de la primera entrega. A nivel de lore, tiene sentido, pero donde DS1 se basta y sobra por sí mismo para crear una experiencia de juego y una narrativa genial, DS3 necesita apoyarse continuamente en la primera entrega. Es algo así como "coger mucho del que ya triunfó", o así me lo ha parecido. Muchísimas cosas son directamente una continuidad del primero y, otras, son símiles. NO digo que sea algo negativo, me parecía muy curioso ir relacionándolo, pero al final, cuando estás jugando, casi siempre intentas buscarle una relación con el primero, en vez de pensar que el lore de X cosa/personaje, pueda ser únicamente propio de esa entrega. También ocurre, ojo, pero es inevitable buscar reminiscencias a la anterior entrega. No sé si también se apoya en el lore de DS2, teniendo en cuenta que no lo completé.

Como digo, es un juegazo, pero dentro de lo que he jugado de la línea de FS es el que menos me ha gustado (aún considerándolo un juegazo) y esto también se debe a la duración y dificultad. Hasta ahora, mis partidas estaban siendo bastante largas, pero DS3, con DLCs incluidos y revisando con alguien que me iba diciendo si me dejaba algo por ver (no quiero guías pero tampoco quiero dejarme nada) no me ha llegado ni a las 30 horas. Esperaba superar las 40 fácil teniendo en cuenta que de normal llego a eso por recrearme o atascarme en algún boss. Aquí viene lo segundo que me ha chafado. Me habían dicho que tenía los jefes más difíciles del juego, que su dificultad era más alta. Todo es cuestión de percepción y de crear expectativas, obviamente, pero me he llevado la sorpresa de no tirarme más de 4-5 intentos por jefe, y eso los que no me hacía en el primer intento y sin usar ascuas ni invocaciones. Suerte que Secreto: (Pincha para leerlo)
la hermana Friede sí supo satisfacerme, teniéndome como hora y media
. Debo reconocerles un arsenal bueno de movimientos, mucho más elaborados que los patrones de otros juegos, incluso diría que mejor que Bloodborne, pero bastantes más asequibles, rodando y esperando el momento justo para atacar.

Lo dicho, me parece un auténtico juegazo al que volveré más pronto que tarde a darle otra pasadita con otra build y buscar otro final. No critico como algo negativo persé lo mencionado, es más mi perspectiva después de estar dándole este año a la saga por primera vez. Es una experiencia muy gustosa, de esas que se te quedan un tiempo después de completarlo y buscas para saber más sobre su lore y poner en común lo que crees haber entendido con lo que teóricamente es, tanto con tus amigos como con vídeos de YT. Jugar un soul siempre es toda una experiencia que recomiendo (y me retracto, pues yo criticaba la saga) y concretamente, este, me parece una buena entrada en lo jugable (mucho más que la primera entrega, sin poder saber de Demon's Souls) aunque habrán cosas del lore que no podrán relacionar. Teniendo en cuenta que a todos les he ido dando un 9 aproximadamente, este estaría un escaloncito por debajo, siendo un 8.3.

"Oh dear brother, rise if you would. For that is our curse."

o dark souls mais bem polido da trilogia, graças ao bom senhor aperfeiçoa a jogabilidade sem deixar a atmosfera de lado, a qualidade impecável em tudo te desafia a jogar-lo, o mesmo te dando um salve logo no início com um boss do caralho, só pra te lembrar que a jornada de um vazio é mais difícil que morar no Brasil no verão.

agora, depois de jogar os dois primeiros ds, percebo que esse jogo é muito virtuoso, tudo é grande, tudo é épico, um tom que casa muito bem com o novo ritmo acelerado das coisas, porém traz uma sensação de linearidade bem forte. E como tudo é bem equilibrado, o fã das interconexões malucas do primeiro jogo nem percebe a falta delas aqui quando se tem as melhores boss fights da franquia, só tem boss foda. Recomendo demais, joguei na promoção de 100% de desconto (peguei emprestado do meu mano)

Oh what a time I had playing through the Dark Souls series.

Now that I've done it, I wish that I could play them all again for the first time.

What a way to cap off the trilogy.

Playing this did kinda make me wish that Dark Souls 1 had great bosses the whole way through, or that Dark Souls 3 had a more interconnected world. But even if my "perfect" Dark Souls game is never made, the series has some of the highest heights in video games.

Dark Souls 3 is the series at its most melancholic. It's a game that — despite being almost surprisingly fair for a Souls game — seems to hate both its players and itself. It's ugly and brutal in a way that would seem gratuitous, if not for the air of deep sadness that pervades every inch of its world. And behind its murky narrative veil of cycles and kingdoms and ages of fire and dark hides a game about artistic stagnation — about how art that lingers too long will find only collapse and self-subsumation. "There is nothing left in this world," it seems to say. "Go and find another." Paint one, even. With humanity as a guide.

Me pase a Gael con música de No More Heroes de fondo.

+ more Dark Souls
+ great soundtrack and voice acting
+ crystal-clear hitboxes make fights feel fair
+ weapon durability is tied to bonfires
+ re-designed Estus system adds some new tactical choices
+ Firelink Shrine feels like a home that changes over time
+ tomes add new choices for personalized builds
+ some cool new boss ideas (High Lord Wjolnir, Yhorm The Giant)
+ DLC adds visually interesting areas with some new gameplay ideas (Lapp quest)
+ full of homages and callbacks for fans to enjoy ...

- ... that ultimately feel tired and played out
- a general lack of new ideas or innovation
- Bonfire Ascetic system from DS2 has been effaced without replacement
- an abundance of bonfires makes exploration less exciting
- small, linear world map that is not as deeply connected as before
- just when you think it starts, the game is over
- by far the easiest DS if you are experienced (Life Ring + Knight Class are OP)
- bosses can be easily killed on the first try if you are agressive enough
- combat system has been noticeably speed up and lacks the classic DS feel
- entire game feels more like a successor to Bloodborne than to DS2
- greatly reduced number of bosses (while adding mini-bosses that don't feel as rewarding)
- one-shot boss attacks are cheap (Aldrich)
- little build variety compared to the previous one
- very few interesting areas and some recyled ones
- a general lack of memorable dungeons akin to Sen's Fortress
- cryptic narrative style has become stale and consequences of dialogue options are unexplained
- most quests are practically impossible without a guide
- bosses bore you with teabag monologues after you failed
- NPCs die off-screen without much of an explanation
- weapon stances and techniques have no actual bearing on gameplay
- item management is more cumbersome than before
- covenant system has been revamped without explanation and for no apparent reason
- glitches like enemies getting stuck in walls take you out of the experience
- offline invasions and summons have mostly become a tool for trolling players
- secret areas are more obscure than ever before (Dragon Shrine)
- invisible floors are janky and look goofy
- NPC summons for the final fight make it even more of an disappointment
- endings are anticlimactic and feel like an afterthought not worth the hassle
- trophies are locked behind the grind of NG+, which lacks changes to the game world (unlike DS2)
- abysmal technical performance on PS4 Pro (low frame rate, frame pacing issues, frequent pop-inn etc)

Best Boss Fight: Sister Friede, particularly with the help of Gael. Deacons of the Deep, because they display a rare fresh idea.
Worst Boss Fight: Nameless King, because the two phases are cumbersome and the boss area is confusing.
Playtime: 55 hours with all bosses and the entire DLC

Blahgic Moment: Entering Anor Londo and feeling like the series had truly run its course.

Verdict: Look what they have done to my boy! Dark Souls 3 is a tired, stale send-off to a great series of games that belies the uniqueness and originality that made the original a modern classic. Having played Dark Souls 2 and 3 back to back in a matter of weeks, it is clear that the development team were not interested in advancing the series, with most of the finished product feeling more like a cynical "gift to the fans" than a truely unique experience of its own. Instead, the influence of Bloodborne is felt at every turn, from the enemy design to the speed of combat, which feels like a intrusive digression instead of an innovation to the formula. The game world, which has always been the heart of the series, amounts to a loose collection of discarded areas and forgettable bosses without many secrets and alternate pathways to discover, while the increase in bonfires further diminishes the excitement and danger of exploring said world. To make matters even worse, the technical performance on PS4 Pro in particular is an insult to the players and a shocking regression compared the smooth, 60FPS presentation of DS2. All these aspects combined render Dark Souls 3 by far the worst game in the series and a huge disappointment to anyone expecting a worthy adieu to this beloved franchise.

better than DS2, and i also like it more than ER, but doesn't quite reach the highs i experienced in the other entries

A perfect send off to the DS series, and one of the best action games ever. So many banger boss fights in this one, especially in the DLC and the fights are beautifully cinematic as they are fun to play. The story and lore was great as well, does it do a lot of DS1 callbacks? Yes but I freaking love DS1 so who cares! Also the soundtrack in this game is one of the best things I've heard in my life, everything from the grand and epic battle songs (Soul of Cinder, the princes theme, etc.) to even the ambient music of the shrine were all so beautiful. Only complaint was that the world wasn't as interesting to explore and the areas could be kind of bland, but the amazing bosses at the end of them made up for that most of the time for me.


Utterly brilliant, whilst I wasn't a massive fan of the first half with what felt like sub-par versions of areas and bosses that Fromsoft have done better, I found myself utterly addicted to the second half and of course, the dlcs.

Easily some of the best bosses and areas the series and genre has offered and a game that I cannot wait to get the platinum of.

I don't care what people say, this is the best dark souls game

Dark Souls III is the definitive Dark Souls experience, doing what the first game does but a lot more refined and elegant. The only two complaints I have are that the levels are very linear which I didn't really mind since suck at navigation in games and the base game isn't very hard, but that can also be because I am more experienced with the series. Apart from those nitpick which I don't really have too of an issue with, this is one of the most solid games I have ever played. It has such a solid set of bosses with some of the best bosses I have fought in any game to bosses that are just okay, but it is impressive the bosses are never bad. The areas take the original's dark and dingy style and uses it to create a lot more unique areas with it with twisted and strange architecture and land masses. The combat is a lot more fluid than the original and is a lot closer to Elden Ring while still keeping in the quirks of the original Dark Souls' combat. In conclusion, I absolutely loved Dark Souls III and as I play more Souls games, it's going to be very hard for anything to top this one.

When this came out, Dark Souls was barely half a decade old, and II had just came out 2 years prior. I don't understand why III had to be so cloyingly self-referential, especially when From repeatedly demonstrates that they could still tell fascinating stories that aren't mere retreads of the first.

If you liked the first Dark Souls, this one will make your jaw drop. Wonderful OST, memorable boss fights and a considerable follow-up to the first game. Loved the experience and the combat is refined to its near-perfection. Mostly accustomed to fans of the series that should never miss out, especially the DLC's. Overall, one of my favorites thus far!

This was my first FromSoft game. I got my ass whooped something fierce my first playthrough, but I persevered. I even had some friends play the game with me. Astounding experience all around.

The best Dark Souls, this was such a perfect ending I almost never want to see Dark Souls 4. The locations and the bosses are so good, everything here is so good and the peak of gaming.

A love letter to the Dark Souls Franchise and a very solid game all around
I felt like with this game they never really ran out of good ideas, which is not something I can attribute to most other Souls games