Reviews from

in the past

Isaac só que se invés de focar em pessoas com uma infância conturbada foca em gooners malucos que não gostam tanto assim de roguelike, pq olha, a maior falha desse jogo de longe é o escopo minúsculo dele, os itens não são nada de mais, tu não desbloqueia novas armas e itens, então meio q tu vai começar e a terminar o jogo com as mesmas coisa, que não seria um problema se os itens não fossem tipo "aumenta dano" "chance de aumentar dano quando tu pula" "sangue fica rosa" e as armas não fossem muito muito fracas pro manejamento insano que tu tem que ter pra elas serem minimamente descentes, é um jogo bacaninha, mas que se beneficiaria de maior escopo. Tirando isso ele tem uma gameplay bem simples que seria satisfatória se não fosse a escolha estranha de câmera que pelo que me parece foi só pra tentar se diferenciar um pouco das normas dos roguelikes shooters tipo Isaac e Gungeon, mas que são normas por um motivo, elas funcionam, a câmera angulada com visão em diagonal fode muito com o jeito que eu percebo as balas e acaba tendo mortes e danos que eu não sei daonde veio, balas tipo morteiro ou aquele boss camarão que sotla uma onda de balas de cima pra baixo e a existência de um eixo y deixa tudo muito confuso e frustrante, mas sei lá não faz o jogo ficar uma merda, só fica bem irritante de vez em quando.

It has a big tiddy witch mommy, what more can I say?
(yes, I have a witch mommy kink, bite me.)

Also- I am a big fan of Roguelikes, so it gud game

Bought it for the tits and didn't play too much of it.

Fun Rogue-like. That rat though...

Pretty fun little rogue-lite, I would say.

Didn’t like how shotguns felt and the general lack of “things”; Art design was good and I like the concept though. Played little.

Went into a run as Lydia and I now know how Oppenheimer felt like after dropping that bomb

A fun little experience but aiming and moving in the cramped, isometric rooms is bothersome

fun, stylish, well made roguelike in the vein of isaac/gungeon (but isometric).

it's a smaller game but it doesn't overstay it's welcome.

I finished this a few times, and unlocked quite a few of the characters; it’s really fun! The lore and the characters are super fun and interesting, and i really liked the art style.

p.s. i love the witch so much

I LOVE the art style! Fuji main for life

Overall alright rougelike. Classic no meta progression gameplay loop. Like the visuals a lot and the enemy designs. Most bosses are big eh, enemies feel bullet spongey. All the weapons, even the ones that were good, felt eh too use as well.

Decent roguelike but there are much better ones out there, no real reason to play this

Very fun and short halloween game, which seems to be an homage to Enter the Gungeon and The Binding of Isaac and happens to be better than both of those games in every aspect

newgrounds or sumthin idk

there were boobs, i dont remember alot else but there were boobs

As I said in my Steam review:
"Played for Witch booba, stayed for the gameplay!"

100%'d this a little while back and enjoyed every moment I spent with it. Can't wait to get back to it when the update comes

what if nemesis got isekai'ed to roguelike game

Resident Evil meets The Binding of Isaac? Sign me up! Fantastic character designs and tons of replayability.

crawling, shooting, searching, running
everywhere while troubles coming

Entrei pela bruxa gostosa e continuei pela mesma coisa na real :/

Desborda carisma y el gameplay es bastante divertido de hecho. Pero como me pasa con Crypt of the Necromancer, me cuesta encontrar motivacion para jugarlo sin una historia que seguir. De todas maneras, es espectacular y tambien lo recomiendo mucho.

Another conflicting game for me because the presentation is nice, the sprite work is great, the music is cool, and the character designs are, impressive to say the least. But with all of that said, I just couldn't find anything interesting about the gameplay, at least not anything interesting enough to keep me playing. As someone who's 100%'d The Binding of Isaac and put enough hours into Enter the Gungeon to understand it, this game doesn't have anything that really makes it standout from those for me. The isometric angle and ability to jump on furniture would be an interesting idea if you weren't constantly hit by things that are "inches" below you. So many times where I try to avoid an enemy by jumping over them just to get hit. In fact, most hits felt like you were cheated in some way. Sure the designs of the enemies themselves are nice but so many feel like a giant middle finger to fight - any enemy that sits in the air or off screen waiting to drop on you is a direct message from Satan to remind you he exists. Doesn't help that 90% of them also feel like bullet sponges, and the guns either don't help with that feeling OR are so good you only want to use them on bosses. I could go on about the different kinds of items but in general, you don't get the creative and seemingly infinite item combinations of Isaac, which is fine, but I wouldn't say these items necessarily made the game more fun either. It mostly feels like you're able to stock up a large amount of them very easily, which doesn't even always end up with you feeling stronger. In my 15+ runs I would say I had 2 runs where I was able to quickly kill bosses or instantly clear rooms. While my original plan was to get the true ending on every character, it was on my 6th character that I realized I didn't really care.

Overall, not a bad game by any means but it couldn't keep me entertained longer than 10+ runs and I don't think I'll be playing it again. The bountiful breasts were not enough I guess.

Meh. Normalito. La bruja mola

it's like TBoI but with a thicc witch