Reviews from

in the past

Amazing much harder then doom eternal still haven't beaten this on the hardest difficulty

The difficulty is stupid compared to the based game - felt like it turned into a souls game towards the end.

final fight is really bad, also did not enjoy the ghostbuster mechanic, it was not that fun

rest of the game is really fun and hard as fuck, i loved playing it in ultra-violence (until the final fight), genuinely do not go into this kindly, it will Beat Your Ass !!!

Azione adrenalinica dall'inizio alla fine
L'unico problema è che dura tipo un'ora, forse nemmeno.

More doom eternal but a lil less exploration oriented and more focused on combat. Not bad by any means just a lil worse than base game cuz of lack of exploration.

This expansion was amazing, so much harder but the adrenaline was, once again, otherworldly. From the beginning till the end I took ages to complete it but finishing it felt extremely worthwhile. The new enemies and enemy types were a worthy addition and the game never felt more challenging. I easily recommend this with the game itself, adds so much more.

Ебанутый адреналиновый разъеб, после которого даже самый сложный уровень оригинала воспринимается как прогулка в парке.

Long, difficult levels, and I'm not saying I don't like it, but the final boss sucks ass.

It's more Doom Eternal =)

New enemies and mechanics are fun, but it's just more Doom Eternal, not complaining at all though.

Whereas the main game is fun and challenging, this is unfun under the facade of challenge

Yeah naw, this one ruined the difficulty balance of the base game, with a worse soundtrack
Lore was also kinda uninteresting

Fantastic DLC that expands on the lore and story of Doom. Also leaves a lot to hope for in the second part.

The difficulty was just what the original game needed

4,5/10 - Length
4,5/10 - Price
6,5/10 - Performance/Bugs
8,0/10 - Gameplay
6,0/10 - Story/Experience

Score = 5,9/10

More doom eternal but a lil less exploration oriented and more focused on combat. Not bad by any means just a lil worse than base game cuz of lack of exploration. (x2 now)

Solid expansion that pushes Eternal to it's breaking point. Unfortunately, every so often it passes over that point.