Reviews from

in the past

It’s a decent game, I’m just not a huge fan of realistic shooters.

I have not touched one second of pvp in this game but it's a fantastic co-op experience if you are tired of super easy co-op games. Hardcore Checkpoint is especially fun because people slow down and play more tactical usually.

não costumo jogar muito jogo de tiro tático, pra falar a verdade tinham anos que não jogava um fps multiplayer assim, eu até curti só não senti que o jogo tem tanta coisa pra te manter preso como um sistema de progressão bem feito, mas até que é legal

Very fun tactical shooter. Amazing soundwork. Though recently the game has started to become less tactical and more fun skin game.

The slant toward realism is engaging and helps it stand out from other shooters. I like that it can take just a single bullet or two to down or be downed and the methodical approach to movement that decision inspires. I also really enjoy many of the smaller realism details, like the fact that reloading means actually removing the current magazine and putting in a new one instead of the leftover bullets magically transferring to the next magazine like pretty much every other game does.

On the other hand, it gets old extremely quickly and there isn't enough variety to keep things fresh for very long. The objectives are all a bit boring and there aren't too many of them to begin with. Also, perhaps I am misunderstanding something, but the way matches are scored seems heavily, heavily, heavily in favor of the defending team. I appreciate that there is a local-play mode, which functions as a single-player option as well against bots, but the AI teammates are so incompetent that you are basically left lone-wolfing it from the get-go. The game overall could use a layer of polish and general refinement. And one last quibble that is on the minor side, for a game with such heavy friendly fire, the friendly hud indicators are far too unreliable. The friendly indicators have a habit of drifting way off of the character models to the point of no longer serving their purpose. This results in unintentional friendly fire that should have been avoided as well as a hesitancy to fire at enemies on occasion because you need to double-check that they aren't actually friendlies missing their label.

I'm not sure what drugs these people are on in comments.

Its a fun casual point and click game with some elements of realism to it. Its not hardcore like squad or arma.

It can be boring but I don't know too many who play it that often without friends anyway..

They might have 'dlc' but they also add maps/content for free still after 4 yrs of release. Which I dont get why people are whining over cosmetic skins.

Le jeu est bien fun franchement dommage qu'il soit si répétitif.

cant play it because my friend always flashbangs me

My go to realism shooter, I love this game alot. The gunplay is perfect, shots are satisfying and the weapons handle so well. There are plenty of maps and modes to play as well as AI that can get really difficult to ensure the game never dies long term. I say that because the player numbers are falling and I can understand why, there is hardly any progression you can pretty much build any weapon you like from the start. The games performance is still not optimised it sucks to see since the first game ran on source and was PERFECT. But when you finally get into a lobby and the sound and level design take over and immerse you it is awesome, really fun to play with friends and the gameplay allows for many creative opportunities.

CQB muito bom, os efeitos sonoros são os melhores que já vi em um FPS

Le juste milieu entre le thrill d'un gunplay réaliste dans un jeu qui n'est pas lourd.

Been playing this with MrPPeeps:

I’m having an absolute blast playing this with him. I love all the different classes and how you can experiment with different attachments to create the best weapon. It’s not too cumbersome and unrealistic like shitty WarZone.

To me it feels like a more grounded R6 Siege. While this is an online multiplayer game and I can’t really critic it I will say that once you’ve got the learning curve down, the game is an absolute blast. I’ve had a few glitches but other than that it’s perfect.


O parnasianismo do século XXI.
Me diverti muito jogando com bots

A good example why trying to make your game feel more realistic and tactical is not a good thing and why games should be games. Incredibly slow and boring gameplay. Feels like I'm playing quicksand all game.

Very fun to join public lobbies and lie abt serving in the military

what if i had to think while playing cod

really hard, will give heart attack

Why does everyone in this game act like commandos? It feels like they are engaging in real-life combat

Look how they massacred my boy

much better than insurgency, especially since the RPG spam is gone

very cool game with relastic guns and graphics

I don't know if this game really nails the balance between arcade and tactical.

Rising Storm is probably my favourite online shooter series, and while it also has serious problems, i consider it to do a few things better than I:S

The shooting in this game is great however. Guns feel punchy and responsive. The loadout system is fun and in depth and the modes (mostly) feel appropriate for the mechanics. I think this game suffers the most from it's tight maps and small scale, it almost feels like a tactical CS instead of a sim shooter

Regardless, very fun. I've put a lot of enjoyable hours into the game, and don't regret a minute of it

Excelente jogo, simplesmente sensacional.