Reviews from

in the past

A fun 1989 Arcade James Bond rip off. It's got just about everything you would want from this type of game. Parachuting stage, Bike chase stage, Scuba Diving stage, Odd Job and Jaws rip off bosses, Ferraris. It's just missing a skiing stage.

Like any Data East game it looks great, this really acts like a homage to James Bond in everything other than name. The villains resemble Odd Job and Jaws, as well as a stage looking something like the secret base from Moonraker to the Golden Gun featuring in the game.

Gameplay is very similar to Rolling Thunder, a side scroller game with a floor and higher level, there’s also a few water stages where the Spy harpoons sharks and other divers.

Being a Data East game the screens quickly fill with enemies and the quarters keep dropping. It’s a quick game, however I just can’t see how a casual gamer can make it through without burning through a lot of coin. It’s unfairly hard!

Je gardais un chouette souvenir des portages micros de ce jeu et bon, des fois vaut mieux rester sur ses souvenirs. Les niveaux qui rendent tous hommage aux meilleures heures de Bond sont rigolos mais sinon c'est un run'n gun plus classique tu meurs avec une difficulté ultra mal dosée pour te bouffer tes pièces. Meh.