Reviews from

in the past

A cool PS1 platformer made like three years after it died

Super unpolished, but its a good time for what it is. The core gameplay is simple fun and there's a lot of charm that helps the more annoying moments go down smoother. Like its hard to stay mad at the lame flight sections when Kao himself is so relentlessly adorable. The music is also oddly pretty and atmospheric at times?? like holy shit the forest world theme.

i dont know how you're supposed to pronounce his name

Joyita, Tipico Plataformero del 2000 que intenta agarrar publico, y me atraparon, es muy bueno tiene diversidad de niveles, vehiculos, jefes, logros, es genial

Second game I had on PS2 as a child. I was in trance with the music and the ambient. It still held up well while replaying on PC!

A semi-forgotten relic from the golden era of mascot platformers. I would say it has enough variation to remain interesting for its short length and it can run on a toaster.

Gameplay - 7
Trilha Sonora - 5
Gráficos - 8
História/Campanha - 8

Nota - 7

The remaster is really nice. It's a good platformer but a shame the other two games didn't get a remaster too.

I mean, it's a game about a kangaroo with boxing gloves. How could it be bad?

This review contains spoilers

Great game from my childhood.

As a kid, I loved the first Kao The Kangaroo game. It had its charms like Spyro and Crash Bandicoot. When the sequel came, I could not wait to play it and it did not disappoint me. Now that the game has been released op Steam, I had no choice but to play it again.

Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 feels quite different from the first game, mainly because of its animation style, I guess. You must save the animals once again from the evil hunter. To do this, you must complete four worlds with a different animal theme to proceed. In the end you beat the hunter, and everyone is happy.

The graphics are nothing special, even for the time but the music and sound is actually quite good.

The story and purpose are clear in the game but the voices of the characters that guide you trough it are a little bit robotic and awkward. But nothing to be complaining about.

There is one complaint however, I do not know if this is because of the Steam port or what, but the controls in the sea levels are broken. You need to press the jump button in a calm motion to swim forward but instead of slowly swimming, Kao does not do anything. Only when you mash the jump button like a baboon something happens. Therefore, three levels where a complete chore to finish and killed some of the fun I had with the Steam release.

But besides that, I just relived a part of my childhood and with the added achievements, it motivated me even more to finish it perfectly with all the collectibles.

For the low price I would definitely recommend it.

This game is so forgettable that I neglected to post a Backloggd review of it until now, over 3 years after I played it.

Seemingly a small game, yet it could compete with other platformers. Nice, enjoyable and corrects the mistakes of its predecessor.

juego reolvidable pero lo terminé stremeándolo a la llamada grupal de discord más horny de la historia lpm eso sí que no voy a olvidarlo

Fun, simple, and dirt cheap. It's at least worth a look if you're into PS2-era platformers even though there's not much to it.

Not much worse than the average 3D platformer from 2003. Unfortunately, there are a lot of 3D platformers from the early 2000s that are above average. Kao 2 isn't worth playing

Best kao game by far,can't wait for the remake

i played this when i was stupid and now im smart

If you want to play as a kangaroo I can't think of any other game that lets you do so that's as good as this.

Kao the Kangaroo Round 2 is a perfect B tier platformer.
Kao is adorable, level design and enemy designs are creative and colorful. Whole experience is as wholesome as it gets.
Platforming is really solid and well paced.
Combat even though ultra simple - it's fun! Especially throwing boomerangs. It doesn't take away from the mainly platforming focused game.
What has to be said is that it feels A LOT like Rayman 2. And by a lot I really mean it.

superanckie nawet, gdy grałem w 2021

Nothing too special if you will play this game in 2023, but it can give some fun.

It can be annoying on some levels.

Really very good game, not as much as Crash Bandicoot but it's cool, it's a shame it's short. In one day of gameplay I finished a total of 9 hours

This game was a fun lil' time that didn't overstay its welcome. It doesn't do anything amazing but doesn't really need to in the first place. Probably the best 99 cents I've ever spent

Un buen plataformero, divertido, retador y bien hecho :3

Scimblo Bimblo dzieciństwa. Nie jest to Rayman 2, ale bawi jak diabli.