Reviews from

in the past

You're more likely to hit your shots in XCom instead

caralho q jogo ruim kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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So after a while of playing through the Resistance series, I decided that I would go through the Killzone series (and continue my edgy mid 2000s shooter thing with maybe Gears of War sometime after I beat this series) and since I beat Killzone 2 recently I figured why not review the first game in the Killzone series. But first I want to say, I got this version from the Killzone Collection on PS3, which is on the same disc as Killzone 2, and platinumed it in half a month? If you want a tip for platinuming this game somewhat easily, since you have to play it on the hardest difficulty, the PS2 cheats still work so use the Powerful Weapons cheat and you can kill most things in one shot.

Now I'll start with this, Killzone was created by Guerilla Games straight after Shellshock: 'Nam 67 and since then it's only stuck to two series under Sony Interactive: Killzone and Horizon. You can kind of tell that this is one of Guerilla's first BIG games because fucking Jesus Christ it's janky. On the upside it has an interesting sort of world and I enjoy the idea of paralleling actual history into the lore of the world in game (like I believe in Level 6 there's actually a D-Day reference where you and other ISA fight against Helghast landing on a beach and storming it). On the other hand, there are times where it just feels...iffy gameplay wise. What do these two points have in common? For one interesting thing, another thing kinda comes in and smacks you in the head. It has a lot of interesting things, like the world is interesting, graphically it's somewhat solid (though that grey filter goddamn), and I like how they split the campaign into four characters (though only two play somewhat differently).

The story basically is this: there's a traitor in the ISA who sold out your planet to the facist Helghast faction, and what you have to do is follow Jan Templar, Shadow Marshall Luger, Heavy Weapons guy Rico, and undercover operative Hakha to do...something? I don't remember a lot but that's the main gist.

Now playing as Templar and Hakha are the same fundamentally, except Templar is an ISA commando shooter guy and Hakha is a Helghast undercover agent commando shooter guy. The second most interesting of the bunch is Rico, the heavy shooter guy who has a big ass gun you can use to mow down people. The most interesting person you can play as is Luger, who is more stealth based, can crawl into certain spaces, etc. Not that it totally matters because it all boils down to shooting people that are in your way, it's just with each campaign you just have certain alterations and paths (ex. Two campaigns you have to go one way to avoid lasers, another campaign there are no lasers), and each campaign starts where they start in the story (ex. Templar is the very beginning, Luger starts from Chapter 3 I believe, Rico on Chapter 4 and Hakha on Chapter 5). The main difference between them at the end is how they respond to the the hammy traitor general's speech (Hakha's being my favorite because it's kind of a comparison on the fact they're both traitors to their side).

Graphically, Guerilla's always been kind of a powerhouse in that, that's their strength. Great graphics, gameplay hit or miss, and the world is hit or miss. Like this game looks fine for 2004 (though the comparisons to Halo are sorely mistaken, this isn't even trying to reach Halo's thing like Haze or Resistance: Fall of Man sort of did), other than the grey filter of which I got tired of. And overtime they've gotten better, I mean look at Killzone 1 compared to Killzone 2 (which looks fuckin good, minus the grey filter) and then compare that to Horizon which is Fucking gorgeous. Though bringing in my last super positive point is that it has an interesting world and lore, even if the story is simple and shoulder shrug worthy.

The gun combat is the basic stuff, you shoot people, they go BAHHHHHH and they fall to the ground in comic ragdoll form. Though when I played it, I remember it feeling kinda iffy, like it lacked a punch with most weapons and sometimes even a bit spongey and the bullet spread is all over the place. Also the alternate fire modes are always nice, can't usually complain about those. Off the top of my head at this moment writing this review, that's all I really remember off the top of my head?

Point being it's a rough game, you can tell Guerilla was just kind of starting out making these games. Honestly, just please keep this in mind going through with this game. If you're curious about it go for it, though do yourself a favor: Please don't compare this to Halo. It's not Halo, it never was. Just think of it as a first person shooter, a somewhat generic feeling one but still. And what I will say is that if you're not feeling it, that's fine. Killzone 2 is also on PS3 and that might be better for you to start in (and for god's sake unless your a masochist, ignore Liberation).

Envejeció como el cul*, repetitivo, frustrante, los checkpoint volverían loco al más cuerdo, las granadas o cualquier tipo de arma explosiva tienen los peores hitbox de la historia de los shooters, en fin si te vas a pasar el juego que sea con Rico que es el personaje que está mejor

Nice to see where it all started. Doesn't look too great though, crappy framerate on the ps3 in sacrifice for some better textures.

man i wish this game had better ways to control your accuracy, many frustrating moments caused by having to roll the dice on whether your bullets are going to land

The first installment in the Killzone series, it's not really special and doesn't really stand out in any meaningful way other than amazing setpieces and memorable enemy design. It's still pretty fun to play though.

I was exhausted, i hate the slow gameplay, the lack of music, the weak plot, the AI of the enemies, most of the weapons and the lack of soul in general of the levels. I see the potential in the helghast design and the impressive graphics for the time, but is just not worth it to sit through this game.

Zerei no hard, seus noobs chorões que deram nota ruim.

7.65 - Adorei o jogo, o mundo é bem interessante, claro que se inspirou muito na segunda guerra, no entanto o plot espacial da ainda mais valor a obra, o vilão é bem vilanesco, a interação entre o grupo é bem legal, tipo a cena final do Rico ajudando o Hakha tem um peso, considerando que foi lançado para o Playstation 2, os gráficos são bons.

It's cheesy, generic, and has some pretty mediocre gunplay, but there's something charming about it still.

I felt like the story and characters were suitably B-movie esque and there were some pretty cool locations. Enemy variety was the main issue for me, there's like 4 enemy types in the whole game. It was kinda fun to play something so blatantly PS2, I miss the simplicity of that era.

Pretty bad remaster that does little to fix the flaws of the PS2 original. There's an increase in resolution but the game still runs at 30 fps with textures that are embarrassing for a 2012 release.
The game also has some pretty clunky and unresponsive controls which, combined with the often subpar level design, can make it a chore to play through. However, the story and world building are fairly interesting, making the cutscenes enjoyable to watch. The game's score is also great but doesn't play during regular gameplay for some reason.
Ultimately a flawed release but worth it for those who want to see where the series came from.

If you ignored the original Killzone back in 2004 I can’t blame you. It was a rough road for Guerilla as they tried to make an exclusive first-person shooter for Sony’s underpowered console to out beat Halo and Metroid Prime. Sony never had an FPS that was exclusive to their system, so it was Guerilla’s time to shine. It was dubbed “The Halo Killer” by fanboys and it sadly received lukewarm reviews upon release. I actually got this for Christmas 2004 and ate it up like candy and was a serious fanboy over this game. Fast forward 14 years later and I can see the game’s many flaws, but also appreciate what it did for the PS2.

You play as a squad of four who are tasked with stopping an evil Nazi-like empire known as the Helghast that are trying to destroy all of humanity over the planet Vekta. The story is bare bones, but there’s a lot of potential here with interesting art assets and great voice acting, but it just falls flat. There’s no background on the main characters or the war you’re fighting in. You’re literally just dropped in with no background or reasoning behind it. This was never done with Halo or Metroid Prime as you were pulled right into the war or battles and understood exactly why you were there. It’s just a bunch of cut-scenes with the squad going after various Generals and moving from Helghan base to Helghan base.

The shooting is very interesting as it’s part of why Killzone was loved by those who did like it. There’s a lot of weight behind the weapons and they are actually quite unique and shoot well. It’s your standard array of military weapons but with a twist and with some personality behind them. Honestly, the weapons are the only thing front and center in Killzone and dominate the entire game. From the ISA and Helghast standard assault rifles to rocket launchers, grenade launchers, pistols, and heavy machine guns. Most weapons have a secondary fire that helps balance their weaknesses such as the Helghan’s rifle has a shotgun attachment and the ISA one has a grenade launcher. I personally stuck with the Helghast assault rifle through the first fourth of the game as you can only play as Templar, but once the other characters were unlocked I played as Rico since he has a chain gun with 800 rounds and a missile launcher. It’s seriously overpowered but feels so good to mow everyone down around you. The only weapon I really disliked was the shotgun as it’s so slow to pump and shoot that unless you are one on one with a single enemy you’ll get killed because you can’t fire fast enough. It’s practically useless even in tight corridors.

The downside to the weapons having a lot of weight behind them is the animations. They are so long that is makes the game more difficult than it needs to be. Every time you switch weapons there’s a long animation of pumping the shotgun, fiddling with a rocket launcher scope, flipping up the lid on the scope to the sniper rifle, Rico’s chain gun takes at least 2-3 seconds to swing out then there’s a weird pump animation after so you have to hide behind walls every time you switch weapons because of these animations. Same goes for reloading. Some weapons take over 5 seconds to reload with the shotgun taking nearly 10 to load every single round. It’s fun to see and was never done up to that point in time, but it needed to be sped up or changed.

Outside of the weapons the enemy AI is as dumb as a doorknob with the Helghast literally standing around not shooting at all or they won’t move to cover. Part of this is the underpowered CPU in the PS2 and the game engine that pushed it way too far. There’s so much pop-in with fog of war to make up for the lack of a draw distance that enemies pop in and most of the time all at once so an entire room or corner will be full of Helghasts that are easy pickings with a single grenade or kill you really quickly if you don’t notice them. The game engine just chokes the PS2 like no other game with framerates dipping into single digits. I also played the remastered version for PS3 and while the 720p resolution looks sharper, there’s still framerate drops because the engine just couldn’t handle the load. Sadly, because of the limitations, environments are bland and boring with claustrophobic corridors and almost no draw distance. The game is gray, dull, and colorless, and while this could have worked, the weak PS2 brings the art backward because not enough can be rendered on the screen to make it look nice.

The entire game pretty much plays the same way and takes about 5 hours to finish. There are no vehicle scenes, no scripted events, it’s all just running and gunning which gets old towards the end. For the PS2, this game is quite impressive and had a decent multiplayer mode, but there are more flaws than there are perfections. I would rather have had an uglier game that played better, but PS2 fanboys were clamoring for something that pushed the system like Halo did the Xbox. Is Killzone a Halo killer? Absolutely not and doesn’t even come close.

This review contains spoilers

Killzone HD is a remaster of the PS2 game that came out only a week before Halo 2 and two weeks before Half-Life 2, a pair of revolutionary and beloved FPS games. So, you might think that Killzone is one of those games too, right? It went on to have 3 mainline sequels with Killzone 2 and 3 on the PS3 and Killzone: Shadow Fall the PS4 launch title, along with a PSP and PS Vita title, after all. But alas, it does not even stand as a contender with Halo: Combat Evolved. Rather it is disappointing and often frustrating to muddle through this game’s 6-hour singleplayer campaign.

Starting the game, it's very noticeable that the render distance is extremely low, while this is possibly an artistic choice as some later levels do have much better render distances, it is nonetheless a poor first impression of the game and one that really doesn't improve as you actually begin to navigate the game. The most glaring issue you'll face as you move around and attempt to repel the Helghast invasion of your home planet Vekta, is that the performance is horrible with the FPS dropping to the 20s, if not the high teens, during combat. Even scripted sequences can cause these performance drops making the simplest action of walking feel horrible.

Which brings me to movement and gunplay. Inconsistent performance would be somewhat tolerable throughout the game if the actual gameplay itself was satisfying, much like it's sequel, Killzone 2. However, the gameplay is extremely frustrating. From the slow movement speed accompanied by a terrible bobbing animation, to painful slow reload times and weapon switching, to the worst bullet accuracy I've experienced in any video game I've ever played. You could be standing right in a Helghast's face, your reticule dead centre on their head, you can't see anything but them on the screen. You pull the trigger and... nothing. Your shot hit the wall. How? Who knows? This game measures your accuracy at the end of every section and it's neigh impossible to stay above 30% with how bad the accuracy of the guns are.

So, if the game isn't satisfying to play and doesn't have great performance, is it at least nice to look at? No.

Visually, it’s really uninteresting with the exception of the Helghast. Locations in the game have no life to them, there's no colour palette to speak of as it mostly consists of varying shades of grey and green. There are brief moments later in the campaign of interesting set pieces but they are fleeting. The final mission sees you boarding a space station which has the most interesting exterior design in the whole game, but the interior is confusing with many rooms being copy and paste jobs and you only see the exterior briefly as you begin the mission, then make your way to the final boss.

Speaking of the missions, I mentioned earlier that each section gives you a rundown on some of your statistics. These are your accuracy, as mentioned earlier, time to clear, kills and headshots. Each mission is broken down into around 3 sections each and for most these are incredibly short. Averaging around 5 minutes, with some maybe taking 10 minutes to get through at the longest. These aren't clear finishing points either. At the beginning of the campaign, they make sense as you'll walk through a door or enter a new area and you'll be greeted with the stats screen where you can choose to continue you on or return to the menu. But as you progress, you'll find yourself suddenly stopping dead in your tracks while walking along a path, as the screen fades to black before the screen pops up. This really hurts the flow of the game.

At this point you might be wondering if there are any redeeming qualities of the game outside of the Helghast enemy design. To which I can say, yes, there is. While the story of Killzone is nothing spectacular, the characters really carry the narrative. You begin the story as Captain Jan Templar, who is mainly a piece of cardboard until you meet up with Luger, a Shadow Marshal (stealth division.) It becomes apparent, extremely quickly, that these two not only know each other but have been romantically involved. Templar is still very hung up on it and it makes their dialogue unintentionally very funny. Shortly after, you meet Rico, whose whole squad has been wiped out and really only tags along with you because he wants to kill more Helghast. Eventually, the trio reach Templar's MacGuffin for the early portion of the campaign, Colonel Hakha, a spy in the Helghast army who is half-human, half-Helghan. Rico tries to kill Hakha before you even free him from captivity and thus the dynamic is completed, leading to hilarity as the rest of the campaign ensues. The humouressness of the makeshift squad's setup is entirely unintentional for the most part as the game does want you to take the story seriously, however the character interactions are so hammy it's hard to not laugh. This also extends to the traitorous General Adams, who becomes the target in the latter half of the story.

If you ever do spend some time with Killzone, either the original or HD version, you might notice, there's a complete lack of music within the main levels of the game. There is music but only during cutscenes and a short level complete stinger when you reach the end of a section. However, the majority of your time spent wandering the environments will be done in a musical void with very little ambiance and atmospheric sound effects to accompany it.

Overall, Killzone is a game. Sadly, it's just not a very good one. I played it in its entirety using a DualSense connected via a Brook Wingman adapter to restore features that are missing if you connect it normally, like vibration and remapped most of the control layout (as the game lets you do this natively) but I don't think I could have made it through the whole thing on a SixAxis or Dual Shock 3. Also, with how poor the performance was, I ended up using the cheat code from the original PS2 version that enables one shot kills to get through the second half of the campaign, since it still works in the HD version. If you've never played the Killzone series before, my recommendation is to just either watch a playthrough or a compilation of the cutscenes on YouTube and then move on to Killzone 2.

Great atmosphere and a good, cheesy, action movie story. The dreary lighting in levels & the design of the Helghast really adds to the grittiness. While the design of the game is visually appealing, the game itself can be hard to look at because of the unstable frame rate.

Unfortunately, the gameplay itself is meh. It’s cool that Killzone wants to be less of a run-and-gun like Halo or Cod, but aiming is difficult, especially when it comes to making microadjustments to hit someone right in front of you.

Really unremarkable in most aspects. I only played it because I have some interest in the second Killzone, but wanted to see where the series started. What I liked is the general game feel, being on the PS2 a faster paced shooter akin to Quake or other PC shooters at the time probably wasn't the right decision, so they opted for a more slow paced grounded shooter, which I think they succeeded in. Your Character has a weight to it but isn't too sluggish to control, and the weapons are all well animated. The general art direction is good, with a sci-fi world, that still feels grounded, because of the influence of WW2 imagery. All the gadgets and vehicles you come across aren't flashy, it's mostly just heavy machinery with subtle advanced technology built in, and the weapons you fire are all still using bullets. The levels the game takes place in are also varied enough, so they don't get stale too quick, my favorite being the swamp and jungle sequences. But that doesn't really help the game from getting kinda boring. Although the shooting part feels alright, it doesn't evolve at all. It's just shooting the same enemies over and over again for about 8 to 9 hours. That's it, there are no special boss encounters or other things like vehicle sequences to break up the pace a bit. The squad you travel with aren't the most interesting characters, the evolving relationship between Rico and Hakha was a nice thought, but they could have done way more than they did. So what's left is an unfortunately really bland game, that probably has some potential, so it's interesting that it ignited a higher budget franchise on the PlayStation 3.

Menos mal que hay dos partes más numeradas, porque si llega a acabar con un final tan abierto y sin una mierda de explicaciones, habría resultado una decepción importante. Eso sí, es muy entretenido y no ha envejecido tan mal.

This game was ok. Graphics are dated and the controls are a bit rough.

the worst port i know, performance issues (on a NEWER console), no quality-of-life improvements, this is basically the ps2 version with trophies, emulate this game for a better experience

While Killzone is a PlayStation classic its punishing checkpoints can really bum out the vibe.

However what makes it an enjoyable experience is how atmospheric it is. There’s no music just bullets flying and soldiers dying. It feels like a gritty battlefield and terrible bloody war.

You can plays as one of four characters but they don’t have any key differences in gameplay.

Story is okay but there could’ve been more depth to it.
