Reviews from

in the past

you can pet the dog 10/10

The art for this is so charming and the music and ambient sounds only add to it!! I'd consider this more of a visual short story than a game and I finished it in less than an hour. When it comes to the plot I'm not sure there really is one. It seems like just a peek into the lives of two 30-something friends and roommates in Russia. A little glitchy here and there and the translation was a little clumsy at times, but overall it was nice.

Cute lil story to pass an hour with, snuggly blanket and cup of tea recommended!!

Kleines süßes Game. Musik und Sound wunderschön. Ist nicht besonders schwer. Es ist ein Game was pur auf Story ausgelegt ist. Eher wie ein Buch mit kleinen Interaktionen.

League of Enthusiastic Losers is the type of adventure game were even if the story feels connected and enjoyable, it feels like it’s events of characters messing around similar to Tv shows were the characters tend to not grow much by the end of each episode, such as the Simpsons, however that’s fine. The story serves as a vessel and context to enjoy these characters, art and extremely fun writing. My only real complaint with the writing is that the ending is kinda rushed, but the game is only a hour or so and it was hella enjoyable, plus you can pet the dog and da goat is heccing adorable.

tried so hard to finish this but between the boring characters and finicky controls i just couldn’t, even with it being so short. you get to pet the dog though so that’s cool