Reviews from

in the past

A 3d action-RPG 'remake' of Lufia II, Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals actually bore little resemblance to the original, feeling like a modern Square makeover complete with recycled names and plot - basically following in the footsteps of many other SE-published remakes. If the combat itself was rather plain (almost a sluggish version of Ys' combat post-VI), the dual-battle/puzzle functionality of Zelda 'tools' and their take on RPG progression, alongside diverse character playstyles saved it from becoming stale. It's also the most comedic Lufia game to date, adorned with fun minigames accompanying equally silly situations. However, when it isn't busy cracking jokes and mocking stereotypes along the way, the journey is diluted by brainless dialogue and mawkish scenes.

The biggest change lies in the dungeons and puzzles. While much simpler overall, the change to 3d granted platforming garnishes to the format and therefore found a slightly more creative edge. The boss fights may be obnoxious, and most design changes are questionable at best, but there's actually some enjoyment to be found beyond the strengths it attempts to emulate.

Omg when I found out this game was being remade, I was over the moon. I was so bloody excited to play it. I couldn't believe one of my favorite games was getting this attention.
What I got was so insultingly bad I think I may have actually cried myself to sleep.
Gone is the in-depth combat system of the OG, replaced by a mindless, easy, overly-simplistic hack-and-slash button-mash-fest.
The puzzles were, for the most part, super simple.
The story was neutered. The evil, intimidating gods were turned into sentient...towers? Iris went from being this mysterious deity to an annoying sidekick. All the other characters went from interesting to anime tropes. I will never forgive them for what they did to Dekar.
The Ancient Cave was crazy-dumbed-down and was crazy easy and forgettable, feeling more like a side quest in this one.
Overall, this game was more of a demake than a remake. I bet it's terribleness killed any hopes of a true Lufia 4, too.

If any developer wanting to remake the SNES Lufia 2 reads this, PLEASE just port it. Please. Unless you are going to take the time to not repeat this tragedy, please just port it.

Fun and surprisingly pretty for the DS.

Back in the day would be a great game. Compared to todays games the graphics puts you off.