Reviews from

in the past

Great minigames can't save what is the gaming equivalent of a wet fart.

Better than the car games but it's no replacement for a real, proper Mario Party

The the third portable Mario Party is certainly an odd one to say the least

Boss fights were so much fun and it's style of the party mode was splendid imo. The only 3DS Mario Party game I played and it was great.

Felt like a wii mario party to go.

I don't remember anything that happened in this game

Worse Mario Party game, barely any content. The Choicest Voice minigame is the best part.

So uh... there's no drama in this island isn't it? Bosses are let down too, very weak Mario Party.

I used to play this with my friends on the school bus, but it gets boring after a while.

I reminisce for the days of the 3DS

Honestly I don't remember much about this game only that it was really bad and I returned it after like 2 or 3 boards.

I don't remember why exactly, but I tried this once or twice and was turned off enough that I just stopped buying Mario Party games.

I hate all Mario Party games. If you want someone to throw an anger fit then buy them this game.

Yea this game is like a watered down Mario Party 9. I have so few memories of this game. I remember one of the maps, it was like whoever was first to the podium received the most mini stars. Meh, this game stunk tbh. I'm sure me as a kid still had some fun with it.

The worst part of Island Tour is the actual boards themselves. The fact the boards are straight lines defeats the purpose of the game. As well as the fact that the mini-games are too generous by rewarding everyone except for the 4th place player. On one of the boards, it doesn't matter who gets to the end first since it will bring the 4th place player to the front of the back for free.

The mini-games are probably the best part of the entire game. I love playing the mini-games without the boards and a lot of them I consider to be the best in the series. If the boards were normal, then it would be a good game.

idk why people hate this one it’s not too shabby. far from perfect but i like a lot of the minigames and a few of the boards are cool

Mid. The game basically just boils down to race to the finish in terms of the party mode. The minigame selection isn't too bad though, and Bowsers Tower was pretty fun. I like the setting of the game as well. This is also the only Mario game I know of where Bowser actually wins at the end.

to be honest i have not played every board in this game but this game is still bad, the choicest voice increase the rating by half a star

Quando eu era pequeno eu me divertia jogando isso, mas agora que eu fui ver como realmente é o jogo eu não sei como eu fiquei tanto tempo no jogo. Bem chato e repetitivo e os mapas também não são nada de mais, a maioria é em linha reta e sem muito o que fazer.

Not train era mario party but has mostly boards that don't circle around, so...

This was a pretty decent portable Mario party, all things considered.

the only Mario party game I owned myself so I have a big soft spot for it. I really liked playing it!