Reviews from

in the past

this franchise makes me feel like im schizofrenic

Heinrich why did you abandon me how am I supposed to raise our son alone

what a ride. Loved it. I believe in true love.

(Winner of "Reading Rainbow Award" for best writing/story, speech below)

Taking the concept of a war between angels and monsters, and putting a unique twist on it, Luka’s adventures escalate to a new height when the quest to unite humans and monsters comes to its final conclusion. Luka's tale of unification is about to burst full of thought provoking moral dilemmas. Without spoiling this wonderful gem, the ending gave players just what they were hoping for, as well as a hell of a trip to keep them entertained with lighthearted humor, messages of tolerance, and god-tier rape scenes.

Sorry, Internet, The denizens of /v/ agree, this hot mess has a better story than The Stanley Parable and BioShock Infinite combined. Monster Girl Quest: Chapter 3 wins best writing of 2013.

(Winner of "Not In Another Castle" for best sequel, speech below)

Here we are again, with Monster Girl Quest: Chapter 3 taking the award once more. Just like the “Reading Rainbow” award, Monster Girl Quest once again displays the power behind a story of love and tolerance through violence and rape. It’s like Sengoku Rance, if the roles were reversed.

Chapter 3 continued from where things left off, with the war between Ilias and her angels, and Luka and Alice going into full swing. We come to terms with many of the past plot points, and learn of Luka’s struggles to reconnect with the elements that abandoned him. After all these trials, we’re finally rewarded with the final battle, and given the reasoning behind Ilias’ ways, leaving us with an ending any fat, horny neckbeard can respect.

Monster Girl Quest Chapter 3 did something quite different than most other sequels in 2013. It didn't suck. It came out quite timely without removing any features for no reason, it didn't get casualised to appeal to any non-existent audience, it didn't have any part cut off to be sold as dlc, and it only cost $26 for the full game. Chapter 3 addresses all outstanding plot points and cliffhangers leaving us with one of the most satisfying endings a videogame has seen in years.

Of all the iterative entries in franchises to come out that year, without a doubt, Chapter 3 is our pick for the greatest goddamn sequel of 2013.

I think I burned out from the battles to have it shelved like that.