Reviews from

in the past

Guess I’m now playing MSX games and I decided to play a game that’s a port of an Arcade game. It’s oddly given the name Nemesis just like the Game Boy game. Honestly the description for the game on this page does a good job of explaining what this version is like as it’s similar to the Famicom version but has some new features like a completely new level which feels like it could have been in the original Arcade game. It even has warp zones but I never saw those.

Sadly there are compromises like the choppy scrolling but it’s not the biggest loss. There’s not much for me to say as again it’s the same shmup gameplay you enjoy or maybe you don’t enjoy. The game still looks nice even if it’s downgraded and the music is pretty good and reminds me of the Famicom version. The new content does add some reason to try this one out and if you have a copy of Twinbee for MSX, you can have the Vic Viper become Twinbee. (Wish I knew this before I finished the game).

The game was rereleased on Wii U but sadly that is gone nowadays so emulation is your best bet unless I’m forgetting some other rerelease. There are more shmups Konami did and there’s even two other Gradius games on the system so maybe those will be even better? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

why is the SCC version (konami game collection vol 3) slower than the original cart. I only figured this out after clearing it without a continue. whats going on. am I going insane???