Reviews from

in the past

There's a good game buried in this, but it's absolutely riddled with bugs and is just an overall highly unpolished experience. Dialogue abruptly skips from line to line with almost no delay, with lines in the same sentence sounding like they were recorded in different sessions. Characters teleport, glitch, disappear. The game skips between scenes in ways I wasn't sure was intentional. I had to restart the app multiple times due to bugs causing it to be impossible to progress. An entire area of the game appeared to be skipped, because I left off at the area and when I reloaded the game I was in the next area. The story itself is OK, but it's pretty basic, mostly being about the characters. They're cute, but the game fails to trigger an emotional connection in its short run time. Additionally, the game has some extremely boring flight segments in between the story bits which I found to be tedious.

I’ve completed Necrobarista before this game. They’re similar in the sense that they’re focused on the story and there isn’t a lot of gameplay. However, NSN has been the better experience. I find the story part to be more engaging and better presented. For one, it’s fully voice acted. The voice acting is also good and suitable for all the characters. It also helps that the dialogue flows nicely and it’s well written. The story is the kind where it is either a huge turn off or you love it. You’re a boring delivery man in galaxy who meets a dangerous woman that gets you involved in tons of trouble. The ridiculous part is how the people you meet are murderers and have done crazy things, yet they talk like it’s all normal. The dialogue is also the type where it’s cool to sound rude if that makes sense. Slowly they’re shown as normal people and your relationship becomes stronger with them. The game has lots of instances where you need to make choices and it seems those choices have impact on certain aspects. I can’t be sure since I’ve only completed the game once. But I’ve seen critical points and there were situations that could clearly be solved differently. There is also more gameplay. You sometimes control your ship to reach a destination. You have to avoid obstacles along the way. There are minor point and click adventure elements too. You can collect objects and use them to solve puzzles. And lastly you move your character in 3D environments instead of pressing x to read more text. All the gameplay that I mentioned is kept very basic and simple. So don’t expect much but it was enough for me to offer variety and good pacing. In terms of flaws, the game is pretty buggy, especially near the end. I’ve had 2 choice dialogues getting repeated. At one point there was a sound effect that didn’t stop. And the DualShock 4 controller started bugging out. When I press x to interact with anything, it would show me the map or inventory. The last one can be avoided when using touch screen. It also feels like the game doesn’t run smoothly if that makes sense? I didn’t see game breaking things mind you but it’s just an impression. Things like loading in between, the animation that needs to be completed and the choices or gameplay not activating right away after you click on things, kind of like a very minor pause. I’m being very nit picky about this though.The game is not long, around 4+ hours. I’ve finished it after playing 3 times.

I’m usually not a fan of that kind of story or writing but they got me pretty quickly. I was interested enough to want to see what happens next instead of playing it because I have a backlog to finish. I don’t know if I’d have bought the game if it wasn’t in a subscription but I’m glad I got to play it. The bugs aren’t too bad from what I experienced but I’m still giving the game a lower score to keep things fair and readers informed.