Reviews from

in the past

RPG com jogo de navinha, que daora. 😄
Final A: Acabou? 🤨
Final E: ...

Não lembro de um jogo trazer tantos temas, abordando de forma tão poética e filosófica, com uma trilha sonora tão linda e magistral, quanto Nier: Automata.

Propósito, humanidade, identidade, sexualidade, consciência, emoções, família... Filosofia existencial é a assinatura de um enredo profundo, tocante e melancólico. Outros players podem literalmente sacrificar seu save por você, pra te ajudar a conquistar algo no final, que outro game tem esse tipo de interação?

A gente precisa de mais mentes criativas como as de Yoko Taro criando esses conceitos.

About as close to a perfect game as you can get. Incredible atmosphere, fun gameplay with plenty of variety, thought provoking themes, and one of the most heart breaking narratives I've experienced. This story couldn't properly exist in anything other than video games.

Thank God they made NieR more misogynistic. I was getting worried it wasn't meeting the quota.

Honestly this game is beautifull its in my top 2 spot of all time everything here from story to characters to graphics and gameplay is phenomenal and profoundthis game just keeps on amazing me on new playtroughs

despite how aggressively horny the character design is this game is fantastic. beautiful combination of great gameplay and great story


Cara, NieR: Automata pra mim foi uma experiência simplesmente indescritível. Arrisco dizer que é um dos melhores (se não, o melhor) jogo dessa geração.

A história de NieR é fantástica, fazendo o player querer saber mais e mais o que vai acontecer a seguir. Eu joguei a Rota A inteira ansioso pra saber qual seria o desfecho daquela história, ou qual era o motivo daqueles personagens com nomes bíblicos e o que as falas deles representavam. Eu tava muito ansioso pra ver como a relação entre o 9S e a 2B iria se desenrolar, e os diálogos dele durante a gameplay são muito daoras de se ver. Uma história perfeita do início ao fim.

A gameplay é um bagulho sensacional, misturando Hack 'n Slash com JRPG (Não é uma ideia inovadora, mas ainda assim muito bem executada). Os combates são incríveis e as boss fights são mais ainda. A gameplay da 2B e da A2 são claramente mais frenéticas e porradeiras, enquanto a do 9S foca mais em hackear os bang e afins.

E o ponto mais alto desse jogo é sua trilha sonora, que simplesmente supera qualquer trilha sonora que eu já tenha visto em qualquer jogo antes. A trilha sonora de NieR te deixa imerso naquele mundo de um jeito que nenhuma trilha de outro jogo te deixa.

Só que, claro, o jogo tem seus defeitos, como bugs (E muitos) e paredes invisíveis que claramente dizem bastante sobre o quanto de dinheiro foi investido no jogo. Vira e mexe eu queria pular de um lugar pro outro e uma parede invisível só falava "nãokkkkkkk".

Mas, nada disso me impediu de me divertir bastante com NieR. O ponto mais importante em qualquer jogo (pelo menos pra mim) é o quão divertido ele é, e NieR com toda certeza é um dos jogos que mais me diverti jogando. Vale a pena cada segundo, sem zoas.

Is there actually anything to say

Like, i wont even try to explain all the layer and genius turn took by the story, the message, the lore, the philosophe, and especially the theme, because not only my policy is to avoid spoilers, but also because i think i wont be able to make it justice, by how brillant, smart, emotional and flawless all of those element are...some scene made me feel so sad...some made me smile so hard...and some of those moment were just gameplay moment !

I...just cant. Even if the story take weird shortcute in one specific place i wont spoil, its just...too good

All the three major campaign are incredible : first one start to implement all the great thème, and is already a solid game by itself, the second one is a great expansion of those theme...and the third one is just...exceptionnal

Again, no spoil, i dont want to spoil you anything

Couple that with a incredible gameplay (sure the combat system is simple, but thats not a bad thing : hell, elden ring got simple combat system too), the moveset just flow so well, and the level design is only limited by weird invisible wall that prevent some potentially some shortcut. All the area are great too, with interesting lore in all of them, with varied kind of machine used, for the most part, in amazing way (except maybe the desert one, who felt a bit underused). The villain are, without spoiling, all interesting and carry all the theme incredibly well

Sometimes, the game is way to easy, and sometimes, the exploration is a bit limited, and ok, sometimes, the game have some technical issue, but the theme just carry this game, they are incredible, and i wont even talk about them here

Discover them yourself

Glory to all mindkind

Docked 2.5 stars because of 9S. If he remains a background character it's an almost perfect game. He single handedly ruined the experience

The type of experience I wish I could have with every game. Fantastic storytelling, fun gameplay, exciting changes in direction whenever things feel stale - it all feels so vibrant and ready to keep the player on their toes. I have some minor quibbles with the last act in how it feels much less fleshed out than the other playthroughs, but that really is just a nitpick. Absolutely near the top of my favorite games of all time.

xbox took it off gamepass 2 days after i started it. thanks Phil Spencer.

i love this game the story is soo beautiful and sad

Oh my god. This is one of the best games I’ve ever played. I knew going into that it’s considered to be one of the best of the best, but I had no idea just how right that sentiment was. The characters, the story, the gameplay, the soundtrack, everything is just so beautifully done. Everything is leagues better than replicant imo. Except maybe the characters, I still love the main cast of replicant very dearly, but man, the tragic story of 2B, 9S and A2 is just, so well done. The combat is so much more engaging and fun, you have more weapon options and more combos so you aren’t just doing the same moves over and over. Your pod has more magic attacks than Weiss did, and they’re all unique and viable in some way. The open world is so fun to explore, instead of just having small sectioned off areas, you have a whole sandbox to explore, and it’s all interconnected without loading screens, it’s amazing. The side quest, which was one of my biggest gripes with the first, are vastly improved. I did about 45% of them in replicant, and in this I did 90%, and that’s only because I really wanted to see the true ending, so I went ahead and finished it. The 3 main characters are all engaging and fleshed out, tho, some more than others, in the context of the game A2 doesn’t get a lot, but I know she has her backstory in a book. 2B and 9S tho, god. Their story is such a tragic one, and one that came out of left field for me, I never would’ve thought that was the truth about them. The main story itself, endings A and B, aren’t super long, and neither is C/D, maybe a couple hours at most, but having the whole scope of the story, it’s a decent length. I put around 40 hours in it and I feel like it was well worth it. Speaking of multiple playthrough, it was a much easier task than the first game. You only have to replay the first half of the game once, and then everything after that is new. You don’t have to play the same parts over and over again, and even when you do have to replay it as 9S, it’s so different gameplay wise that it’s not even a problem, and for a lot of his parts, he’s doing other stuff without 2B anyway, so you get his side of the story on what was happening. I absolutely adore this game and I’m so glad I played it, everything in this game is perfect, especially the soundtrack, that shit made me feel like I was ascending sometimes. I really really really need a third NieR game that isn’t some mobile title.


And 2B

Too thick

To 9S:

Hack her pod

Enjoy the twins

For the rest-

Imagine how wonderful it would be

Should you

Happily read the first letter of each line

Nier Automata é o jogo perfeito, jogabilidade incrível, gráficos maravilhosos, e uma história muito boa que prende o jogador. Queria muito jogar o Replicant mas até agora não tive a chance

Amazing - I wish I could forget everything about this game and experience it for the first time all over again. Even with me generally disliking anime-styled games, and fanservice, and even with all of the incredible amounts of hype I heard about this game before I played it, it still blew me away.

Nier automata Yarramın Başı Edışın Ver0.22222224588 versusXV Ebeninki a daşşak robot game

Fantastic game, amazing follow up to the original, can't wait to go for Replicant

C'est un jeu où on joue en partie une femme en tenue de soubrette avec les yeux bandés, quand même. Et pourtant, sûrement un des jeux les plus poignants et hypnotiques de l'histoire du jeu vidéo.

Eu estou desgraçado que esse jogo realmente é uma experiência única na história de vídeo games e qualquer mídia que eu conheça. Maldição que esda experiência única tem que ser um jogo de uma android que usa uma saia curtinha e fica seminua as vezes. MAS É UMA EXPERIÊNCIA MUITO ABSURDA.
O final me pegou de jeito, ele me atacou, me fez chorar e eu não esperava chorar nessa porra desse jogo. Eu tenho ódio dele, e eu o amo também.

This review contains spoilers

Endings ABCDEGKTW achieved

I'm near speechless upon finishing NieR: Automata. After I watched my data leave me, knowing that the efforts I put into this save file (that I honestly wasn't attached to since I played this on Game Pass) would go to help someone else upon the long, sometimes painful, yet beautiful journey through NieR: Automata.

While I'm still hazy on many story details at this time, seeing how this ties into the previous game(s) has me rather excited to get going on my physical copy of Gestalt on the 360. On top of that, I was consistently hooked through the narrative, whisked away into many thought-provoking topics and occasionally tough choices. I have a rather basic read on the game through what journal entries I've read and paying close attention through all the cutscenes and dialog (Japanese dub w/ English subs if you're so curious), but I'm excited to dive more into this phenomenal series.

As for the gameplay, I rather enjoyed all 3 major styles of play, yet the more "bullet hell" ones get a tad tiresome for me, while the "shmup" and 3D action styles felt just fine. I grew used to the hacking mechanics from 9S, but they were rather frustrating to get a hold of at first, which was compounded by an issue of feeling like there was a little too much to do.

I will say for the record that I'm not a fan of traditional JRPGs. While I've enjoyed my Souls and so forth, you couldn't convince me to play a game like Final Fantasy due to previous frustrations with the genre. I've understood that they're really not for me, but I appreciate them for what they are. I was a tad worried going into Automata that the JRPG bullshit was going to get a little out of hand, yet for the most part, it never went too crazy for me, though I did get tired of side quest grinding after a while. I did come to a point through the "B" playthrough where I was just awaiting the end of the game, really hoping it would come sooner rather than later. Thankfully, a little while into the C/D run, the story really picked up and stayed consistently engaging until the very end. While I was largely engaged from a gameplay front for the entire run, the pacing really hampered my enjoyment at times; though when Automata is getting serious and doing neat shit, it's getting serious and doing some really neat shit.

This is a serious "must play" title for anyone who appreciates video games as an art form. Not since my exploration of the Metal Gear series have I been so intrigued and enraptured by a game's story and world. I will eagerly play more of Automata, and the NieR series as a whole.

An amazing story with philosophical themes that will stick with you forever (my dislike for the combat is stopping me from 5/5)

need to replay it but it was awesome first time

When this game first came to XBOX I don’t think I was ready for it. I got to around the end of Route A and just stopped. It was a few years before I finally came back to the game. By then I had grown enough as a person to truly appreciate this masterpiece.
The story and soundtrack are just as incredible as it’s predecessor but Platinum Games has improved the gameplay leaps and bounds. While the combat is a bit simplistic it is slick and feels outstanding throughout the whole game.
The ending is just WOW

Gioco action dove ti devi rompere il cazzo ad andare da punto A a punto B dove a volte meni le persone
Il picco più alto è stato quando dovevo tornare all'accampamento degli umani per prendere una sonda che mi faceva scannerizzare una zona, ma nelle vicinanze non c'erano X, quindi son dovuto andare a piedi e una volta presa la sonda sono dovuto tornare di nuovo a piedi nonostante nell'accampamento ci fosse un X, ma non era funzionante in quel momento. Sono tornato nella zona da scannerizzare ma sono respawnati i robot che avevo distrutto e ho dovuto ridistruggerli perché non potevo interagire con l'ambiente senza aver prima menato di nuovo tutti i robot. Inoltre, molti di questi erano volanti e quindi una rottura di coglioni perché 2b non sa volare e il robottino che le permette di sparare proiettili toglie 8 per colpo contro i 100 e passa danni che infligge 2b con la spada
: sono quei cosi che ti permettono di salvare e fare il viaggio rapido, non ricordo il nome
All'ennesima zona dove mi rompevo il cazzo e viaggio a piedi che dovevo fare, non ce l'ho fatta più. Anziché farli così i giochi action, fateli dove si mena la gente e non si cammina per 6 ore su 6.
2 stelle perché comunque pad alla mano è responsivo ed è fluidissimo almeno su series x

Simplesmente meu jogo favorito, a história é fantástica e vai te deixar emocionado. Algo que gosto muito é que cada arma possui uma história, mas para ver ela por completo, será necessário melhorar até o máximo, o que pode se tornar um pouco entediante. Uma pena não ter tradução para pt-br.

yes yes cheerful nihilism, beautiful, indomitable human spirit in the face of an uncaring universe. i love it. but we also must consider that this game delivers a political message more profound than any other title first released on ps4 and pc featuring robots trying to talk about racism ever could. there is no changing a system rigged to destroy those who dare question it "from the inside".

Eu até tava achando legal no início, mas foi ficando chato

Beautiful. That is the only word I can think of for this game. Definitely an experience that I will never forget.

Second time playing through this and good lord it's still just as amazing.