Reviews from

in the past

Still a good and fun game, unfortunately riddled with mountains of micro-transactions.

If you are bored you can pass some time with this. It's not good, but not bad, just P2W.

a surprisingly well made port. pc players and mobile players get matched against each other, which does result in some not so fun matches. campaign is still there! two stars for being as pay to win as a game physically can be

good LORD is this game pay to win

Its actually pretty fun after you put some money into it

La nostalgie parle, ça me rappel des souvenirs tah l'époque, le jeu a des gros soucis de performances pour créer une escouade mais sinon c'est trèèèèèèès fun
PS : immense pay to win

this may be the greatest game ever made

fun with friends but very pay to win

c drole mais ololo il est lent ce lait

this was actually a decent port on my end, i had no problems, though i feel like crossplay between mobile and pc puts the game in a unbalanced position.

that being said, its still fun and a complete time killer like it was on mobile, prototype was AND still is my favourite gun

This port has a lot of performance issues, and i have crashed like 5 times trying to play it. I only like this port of Pixel Gun because of the mouse support and no ads.

hopefully they will fix the performance issues in the next update

pixel gun 3d but on pc, yippeee (with a few performance bugs and issues)
too bad the game is extremely fucking p2w now, but at least its on pc i guess.

Nostalgia can't carry this pay-to-win slop in any way...

nostalgic but i guess its nice on pc now

the pc edition is better than the current mobile edition but it will never be like the og pixel gun

This game sucks, but is funny.

i reinstalled this game for nostalgia reasons and my god i think ive been opening notifications and getting deals shoved up my ass for more time than playing the game

started playing it again for nostalgia reasons but had to stop after realizing its just the most pay to win thing of all time

the nostalgia flows through my veins giving me a feeling of joy and serenity of a time that was simpler while i play, i love pixel gun 3D.