Reviews from

in the past

I did it as a joke with a friend

I think this game has become my ultimate definition of "mid". It's not bad, but it's not great either. It's an incredibly short experience (I beat it in almost 3 hours) that doesn't really have much charm to it, aside from the obligatory Wii motion control gimmicks which I have to admit were decently fun to use. My opinion is a little more positive towards this game than I imagine most would be since I'm nostalgic for it and I like how cheesy everything is, even if it tends to be the boring kind of cheese. Also, I know everyone's already mentioned this, but it helps that the OST to this game goes unnecessarily hard. Pretty cool music.

The gameplay is about as bog standard of a hack-and-slash as you can get. Run around linear levels and slash through a bunch of enemies along the way. Occasionally there's obstacles around and really easy "puzzles", so the level design does at least try to change it up the further you get into it, but, for the most part, this is absolutely a "turn your brain off" kind of game. You have a weak attack and a strong attack that uses up Symbol Power. There's also a very small level-up system that only goes up to two before you're maxed out, though it adds more attacks to your strings. Every ranger plays the same except for Gold Ranger, who just feels out of place and less fun to play than the others. Sometimes there's a windmill or something only a specific ranger can interact with to get secrets (either Zord upgrades or "Ranger Movies" which I never saw a single one of), but the stats are unfortunately pretty skewed between rangers and Red Ranger is just objectively the best one to pick every time. You really feel that loss in attack power when the story missions occasionally force you to play someone that isn't Red Ranger. Boss fights are also pretty much just spamming the Special button, trying to overpower the boss and kill it before it kills you. The Megazord boss sections are pretty fun, though; swing the nunchuck to block when the prompt shows up on the left side of the gauge, swing the Wii remote on the right side. The gameplay is admittedly pretty mediocre overall, but I do tend to enjoy mindless games, so I found it a little fun to steamroll through.

The story...uh, I guess there's one? I dunno if the missions are based on any specific episode of the show, but they do sometimes use stills from actual episodes so I can only assume that they are. Power Rangers Samurai has 10 missions, each with a relatively episodic plot with very simplistic morals. I found it pretty funny how weird the writing is and how stilted the voice acting can be. I imagine this would probably bore a lot of people, but I thought it was enjoyably lame, if such a thing is even possible.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is my shortest modern review yet. Power Rangers Samurai on Wii just doesn't really give me a lot to talk about, I suppose. It gets 2.5 stars from me; although I didn't really mind my time with it, its not very memorable and playing it is just kinda mildly amusing at best. It's propped up by my nostalgic memories. Funnily enough I didn't even remember half the monsters in this game despite my fond memories with playing this game with my brother as a kid.

this game went multi-platinum at that redbox near my local walmart when i was 5

Oh my GOD this game's soundtrack is phenomenal like holy shit it goes way too hard. Do yourselves a favor and go listen to it as soon as possible.
The actual game is ass though lmao. The DS version was better honestly

Revving up the blade wheel is the biggest pain in the ass without a stylus. Aside from that, this game threads the fine line between 'bad' and 'mid' leaning more towards the former.