Reviews from

in the past

Not sure why there are 2 of the same game listed here. anyways this isn't really a game its a platform, and its filled with mediocre quality micro transaction filled games.

a friend got me obsessed with collect all pets this month and im kinda rlly embarrassed abt it

this might be one of the best video games ever made.

BRUH, impregnate me already,
even though it's not possible for a multitude of reasons but still

I remember how long i played this, I let it rest in my shelf....

I understand League of Legends players

its raining tacos!🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮

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its almost requires you to buy "robux" to play.

A mix of really fun and creative games and lazy dogshit cash-grabs

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Hundreds of hours playing this since 2016, but it is not good as it used to be

só entro pra ir com os manos no bailão

Roblox bowling is a masterpiece.

As a platform for user-created content, Roblox is fascinating. If games like Phantom Forces, Arsenal, and Bad Company are anything to go off of, it can pull off First Person Shooters shockingly well--granted, the creators put the effort in. Roblox is mainly associated with cute novelties like Jail Break, Adopt Me, and Work at a Pizza Place and although those games aren't for me, I understand and respect their value.

What I don't respect is how Roblox is engineered to favor games built around in-game microtransactions. Let's not forget about how Roblox exploits its young and fascinated user base, either! I can't go into as much detail as People Make Games does (video link is here for the curious:, but the general idea is that the odds are stacked against most of its userbase.

An excellent example of the former is a game that I mentioned earlier, Phantom Forces. As somebody who has been playing it for years, I can say that it's a great diet-Battlefield for those who can't afford Battlefield or don't care. But over the years, it's become a total grind to get through. It used to be that you could save up for new weapons with credits you earned by ranking up or rank up to get those weapons in a reasonable timeframe. But the prices have gone WAY up, so getting to access some of the game's new content means you'll either be playing the game for eternity or whipping out your credit card. Neither is fun. Let me also not forget to talk about melee weapons. It used to be that there were only two: a knife and a machete that you could unlock through ranking up. Now there are probably more than twenty, and a vast majority are unlocked through loot boxes. If the fact that the game had to switch from being engineered for fun first and now needs to be made as addictive as possible to keep its userbase scares you, doesn't that say something about the way Roblox is as a platform?

very nostalgic for this cause when i was in middle school my friend introduced me to it and i used to play it with her while we were on the phone with each other. we stopped playing it with each other at some point and just called each other. and eventually after freshman year of high school, we grew apart. i hope she’s doing well though. anyways i still come back to Roblox from time to time. definitely had impact on me.

xbox roblox hit different

not a great platform. unfortunately some of my genuinely favorite games are on there.
(recommend Entry Point and Merc Fleet)

Best game of the century. Honestly if you haven't already installed it you should. It's a must have for every gamer. It's full of rich, beautiful graphics and hours of content. I've never felt so moved and emotional over a story like I have with Roblox. My recommendation is to have the most high quality specs to play this game, you're going to need it to be able to see all the wonderfully crafted details. The multiplayer option is spectacular, there's a real sense of community and love. My friends and I have never been closer while playing it's version of UNO. We were brought to tears. I cannot express my gratitude to the Roblox creators for making such a captivating work of art.

"Life is Roblox. Don't let nothing stop you, cause we ain't stopping"

Used to be in Team Domino and play Apocalypse Rising a lot. Got involved in hat trading too.

its so weird but fun with friends like,,,.