Reviews from

in the past

EA failed this game. Could've been really fun, but there was no one to play with after the first month.

Tomanocu EA GAMES, que bosta é essa???

Absolute travesty of a game. Gets old so fast and I be getting ricocheted all over the place by 3 different virgins while the rest of my team spectating. Matchmaking blows chunks. Game looks like dogshit too. Budget must've been $12.67

La Jouabilités est sympa le gameplay aussi dommage que le jeu n'a pas eu son heure de gloire

Played the game in beta and a bit after launch, never really hooked me but it had potential.

cool concept but man this game wasn't very hype

Un intento más de battle royale, desde aquí se escucha el rugido de tripas de los desarrolladores.

J'ai vraiment aimé le temps passer dessus. Les personnage sont cool et les partie sont rapide. Mais le jeu est mort