Reviews from

in the past

Neat concept. Don't play guitar anymore though. Maybe there's some correlation?

plays like dogshit compared to 2014

The delay between your guitar and the game is wild. If you get used to it, you might be able to get your fingers used to moving around a fretboard but this game WILL NOT teach you guitar. Unless this is your only vessel for learning the instrument, this is not where to start.

I used this to practice my guitar playing. While I do the gimmick of this is smart and innovative, I also experienced some problems with it tracking audio whenever you played your instrument. It also has a nice selection of songs as well.

This game is a brilliant idea that was unfortunately shacked to terrible technology that makes it basically unplayable. The delay between your guitar and the game is absolutely absurd and makes even the simplest of songs difficult even for a veteran guitar player. The game simply cannot keep up with the song and you can be playing a song flawlessly and the game will just not count any of it. It's great for really new guitarists as a fun way to get into practice and learn some basics but as an actual game it's so so very flawed.