Reviews from

in the past

few things brought me as much joy as trapping the park inspector on an island and running a rollercoaster into him

Less into this one than the other two. Missions got me stuck for a while.

Used to play this a ton. What really stuck out to me was the amount of control you can have with the wall construction tools to build huge freeform structures. The campaign was also tons of fun.

I played this age way too much as a kid just trying to make cool ass coasters... They sucked

I probably came to this a bit too late, but I can appreciate it for what it is.

this game taught me how tourist traps work

me ensinou o que é juros e emprestimo com 8 anos de idade, apenas elogios

Regardless of what anyone says, this was my favourite RTC. Full 3D, first-person mode for rides. First time I had to upgrade a graphics card too.

I sat my mom down to go into first-person view of one of my rides. She nearly threw up.

Gets too over complicated even if the improved graphics are fun

this was one of my childhood faves and i picked it up again during my sad unemployment era (2) - currently running a theme park that is being assaulted with Ram Ranch speakers throughout the entire property and it has nearly a perfect visitor rating 👍

i miss being a child.. i miss being able to be creative without consequence.. just me, my PC and RCT3.. that's enough for me