Reviews from

in the past

played it again with more people and it was bloody fantastic. absolutely looking forward to it's complete english patch and the work being done. that and checking out the hack that enables the 3 secret stages only unlocked by a special saturn controller.

A new take on a classic party game that is more fun than Bomberman 64.

An isometric game with fast-paced movement based on a chessboard map with 4 ways moments, this surely cannot go wrong, right?...

This game reminds me of Super Smash Bros Brawl when they first introduced the Final Smash that pretty much lets you kill anyone on screen if you use it at the right moment, now imagine this in a Bomberman game where you can find a gigantic bomb that can instantly kill your adversary, yep that's how every Bomberman Fight round ends.

To this game's credit, it does have a wonderful presentation with cute graphics in the likes of Megaman Legends where the 3d model looks pixelated and it's just adorable, the soundtrack is also great as usual so this game does nail the presentation department.

Now for the gameplay, oh boy it sucks but it's still a decent idea. As I've previously mentioned this game feels more like a fighting game rather than a classic Bomberman, in this game, you can do new actions such as jumping- Wait that's all it's just Bomberman but with isometric graphics and the ability to jump. The thing that really ruins this game is the mix of the classic 4 ways control of Bomberman and the isometric world, it's a bitch to figure out which button does what, and this game plays exclusively with a DPAD which sucks even more!
The game can get really hectic with the amount of powerup available on each map and honestly, it could be very fun to play but the controls just ruin everything, if I were in charge of this game I'd make something more in the like of Bomberman 64 with the 8-way analog movement and make the bomb round explosions rather than the classic line, I think that would be much more fun than this game where you have to struggle with the controls.

This game's story mode is only about 20 minutes long with 9 really easy fights, though it does feature voiced cutscenes in Japanese and that's pretty cool, otherwise it's not really worth playing. There's a basic multiplayer that goes up to 3 player max and a survival game mode which is just a compilation of fights until you die.

Yeah, this game is nothing special, you'd have more fun playing an actual party fighting game than this but it might be more fun to play this game with friends rather than AIs like all multiplayer-focused games now that I'm thinking about it...
But you'd be better off to just get this game out of the console and pop Saturn Bomberman in it instead.

A cute arena fighter, but you need to understand the language to appreciate the fully-voiced cutscenes.

should bring more people for this one