Reviews from

in the past

It is painfully easy and knowing who the culprit was is almost insultingly simple, this game is clearly meant for kids that are 9 or younger.

And guess what my 9 year old self absolutely loved this game to death and I can quote most lines by memory, so it did exactly what it set itself to do.

eu era VICIADO nesse jogo no play 2
Um dos primeiros q zerei na vida

muito bom. único problema que tem horas que se torna maçante ficar só batendo nos mesmo inimigos de cada fase. Porém, tem muito meu coração

sometimes. You forgot how good nostalgia was

Thank you to the person who left the review "Randomly fierce" under this. Perfectly said

Sempre amei jogar esse jogo, ele simples mas divertido foi um dos primeiros jogos que já zerei, aquele final dá um medino né kkkkkk, bem legal, e nostalgico para mim! Zerei no PS2 e no emulador de Wii no meu celuar :D

Joguei tanto no PS2 quanto no PC. É um jogo bom na minha opinião. Retrata bem os mistérios, só acho a gameplay simples demais, tipo os personagens tem golpes que poderiam ser melhorados.

era tudo em inglês entao eu sempre errava quem era o vilão

This is great game if you like scooby doo and have a friend/sibling to play with :)

I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH GROWING UP! I may have finished a thousand times

one of my first PS2 games. this one is in my heart.

This game is incredibly good, even now, it's a game that has a nice difficulty, more difficult than many games for 'children', but still not so much that it hinders the experience, very good

My Favourite Scooby-Doo game and one of the best games in general.
The funny character to the fun out of this world mysteries.
So many little collectables and many different paths and ways to play the game with multiple characters and teams up.
I've replayed this game 3 times.

idk I guess it's decent, my memory is really not good for this one

It's probably fun if you have someone else to play it with but by myself it grows stale fast.

Mam taką filozofię życiową, Scoob...
Jedzenie ważniejsze od Upiora

Surprisingly pretty fun, especially playing with a friend. This was better than the cover might suggest, although it is strange that the gang in this one seem to be pretty much superheroes which I feel isn't exactly what I look for in Scooby-Doo properties(see the Scoob! movie for a worse example of this), but nevertheless I still had a good time with it.


joguei pra krl no ps2 ent e mt foda mt fodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Tenho um carinho muito grande por esse game. Jogava com minhas primas durante o fim de semana, na infância. Zeramos algumas vezes. Foi bom rejogar e finalizar mais uma vez.

Who greenlit these character designs? Jesus Christ.

it's probably not this good and im not going to play it again but in my memory this is an amazing 3d platformer. definitely the shovel ware game i remember most fondly.

jogo legal do scooby doo 👍

Outro jogo que eu jogava quando eu era pequeno no Wii. Eu gostava porque era Scooby Doo, mas eu era uma criança burra e não sabia espanhol (como era do camelô ele veio em espanhol), então eu ficava perdido e sem saber oq fazer no jogo com bastante frequência. Mesmo assim era legal

I liked this game when I was a kid
...I think

The Scooby Doo game where you beat the crap out of the "ghosts" fun with multiplayer.

This shit slaps. I was such a nerd that I remember getting a cheat code book at the Schoolastic Fair, saw the small note for the Wii, and I straight up skipped it. I was that dedicated to this game