Reviews from

in the past

if you can figure it out its very fucking heavy

Despite the clunky gameplay and being a game mostly revolved on audios it's something amazing. Mindblowing as expected with Lain. Both her and the counselor are great characters and witnessing (or listening) their evolving relationship and descent to madness is the big highlight of the game. The voice acting is really good too. I recommend psx Lain a lot, especially to Serial Experiments Lain anime fans, I believe both works are complementary despite having wildly different plots

Gosto muito de Lain mas esse jogo é boring demais e muito lento, achei péssimo.

The best game ever made, it’s more of an experience tho

To many it may not really be a game, but I was engrossed in this Lain's story beginning to end.

the game is just as confusing as the anime >:(

The only reason I'm not giving it 5 stars is because of its clunkiness, the story, artstyle and voice acting are 11/10.

nao eh um jogo mas eh muito bom

(placeholder for future review)

ooohhh the clunkiness, the clunkiness is too much!

Hits harder than the anime.

Weird game that you can "play" on a website in English now. Interesting and I love SEL so I liked it but if you don't really wanna read a ton it's not gonna be your thing and if you don't like the show it's connected to it will also probably feel like a waste to you.

É das experiências mais únicas que eu já tive com um videogame. Infelizmente, não sei se conseguiria recomendar pra muita gente esse aqui não, por vários motivos...


I've yet to watch the anime but if it's anything to the game, wowwwieeee I'm really going to love this. This isn't a videogame as much as a series of backloggs but even still, it's amazing

This review contains spoilers

I am not a big fan of VN, but this one kept me interested the whole way through. Most likely the game would have been way more enjoyable if I understood japanese, but I literally looked forward to read hours of dialogue every night as I was playing this. In some ways, I'd say the game is even more interesting than the anime, it really pulls you into lain's world and psyche and feels much more personal. Though I believe the anime is overall the better experience.

The way it is structured is both interesting and annoying. You navigate a clunky UI to open files that contain different recordings of the events, they won't always be in proper order, but you will eventually piece things together. Some other reviewer felt the voyeuristic treatment of lain was "suspicious", but I feel it is intended- you are basically a stranger searching through her files in the wired. This game is dark.

Overall I have my theories about how this connects to the anime. Some say the connection is simply thematic and they are alternate realities. Personally I believe this is a prequel of the anime telling the story of the other 'wired' lain, that would later 'inspire', or in a way of speech, reincarnate in the artificial lain in the anime.

Yk this really should be my shit and lain (game and anime) is so so so close to being my shit but in an absolutely devastating turn of events I only like this one and don't love it. Presentation is sick though, idc if its clunky I think it goes hard.

she just like me for real 😃

I have no clue how the fuck you're meant to play this, but sometimes I pop it in and look at the pretty animations for 5 minutes

Was happy to be a part of this psychotherapy, but I got to go, I need to return some videotapes.

This is not a game. This is a pain simulator.

I'm happy I played this game but so sad I had to play it.

It's fun but gets tedious and confusing

Todos nós devemos amar a Lain
Let's all love Lain !!!

best enjoyed after watching the serial experiments lain anime. very weird and confusing progression but it actually works super well for this game. story, the main point, is very depressing... :(