Reviews from

in the past

Right now, I'd consider it one of the best adventure games of all time. I get the feeling that might fade away soon though. Victorian England is as great a setting as ever, and its comic elements are particularly good too (with appropriately unfunny puzzles).

Esta historia cuenta la batalla de quién es el más listo para resolver acertijos, Sherlock Holmes o Arsène Lupin, y creeme que esta narrativa es espectacular. Además, el juego puede resultar fácil por el sistema de asistencia con el que cuenta. Otro punto fuertísimo es su banda sonora, donde puedo asegurar que no sería lo mismo sin ella.

Quite horrificly obscure puzzles and huge open maps to get lost in. It did give us Creepy Watson, however.

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Lupin breaks into Buckingham palace and pashes Queen Victoria!!!

Yeah, I didn't like it as much as other Sherlock Holmes games.