Reviews from

in the past

I love this game, but it is not good. Had a funny open world that you could do a bunch of activities in but some of the missions were downright horrible to play and overly difficult. The item upgrades were hilarious though

I couldn't remember what the name of that fuckass game that i hated but played a lot of in my childhood was until today where I realized it was a game from a cartoon

anyways it's terrible but welcome to my backlog

We will all be sitting ducks when our time comes

This game really makes you feel like a sitting duck

okay is this game's camera actually as unbearably dogshit as it felt or am i just an idiot for not being able to get past the tutorial

It's basically grand theft auto but with ducks and alligators instead.

Fucking around in multiplayer when I was younger was the best part.

-Shitty controls
-Shittier Camera
-All missions are on a fucking timer
-You lose money for Bumping into ANYTHING
This shit genuinely gave me Ptsd as a kid & is one of the reasons that i fuckin panic whenever there's a time limit involved in anything
Still weirdly charming and nostalgic
Fuckin Hate it

This game gives you enormous anxiety, it sucks, I was liking it but I uninstalled it after a rage quit. The controls are shit and there is not a single tutorial in the game, there is no camera, the camera is shit too, all the NPC'S are fucking retard*d, they don't have any movement pattern but they are always there to annoy you, You bump into absolutely EVERYTHING, you can't walk, there is no map, so you don't know the paths or where the stores are, all the missions are exactly the same and for some reason they are timed. And all this together not only makes it a bad game, but it is extremely difficult and stressful.

i just randomly recalled that I played this one in my childhood, can't remember shit tho