Reviews from

in the past

Charming yet creepy. I love this game a whole lot.

got stuck a couple of times, even with the hint system in place. never wouldv'e figured it out without a walkthrough. i greatly enjoyed my time with this game still.

putunia jerafina y questionette vosotras sois las real g

fun story, fun characters, fun puzzles, very unique art style

Wow... just... wow.
The game starts out as this silly and sometimes goofy point-n-click game about solving people's problems to help them smile. The puzzles and solutions were all really fun, and aside from maybe one singular puzzle, I was able to solve them all relatively easily. The whole cast was amazing, and I enjoyed helping solving all of their problems.
I feel the game's length is absolutely perfect, it's about 3-ish hours for a blind run. It's not long enough to overstay its welcome, but not short enough to where you're asking for more.
But where the game stands out especially is its ending. Tears were welling in my eyes, and I can't help but love any game that's able to succeed in that. And because of that, I can't help but recommend this game.

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Great non linear puzzle design and it felt really intuitive how you solved its puzzles. The gameplay loop to wake up try to get a lot done and hurry to bed to avoid Dr. Habit’s was a fun and scary one. The writing was very good, but sometimes hard to decipher will all the slang and intentional grammar errors.

Talks about a lot of heavy themes for many characters. I think Tim Tam, the anarchist was my favorite character because her quest was pretty funny and long. Some of the characters are one offs that you quickly don’t talk to anymore. So many items had responses from a lot of characters which was really cool and not common! The fear of the unknown was scarier than the game actually ended up being.

I liked Dr habit’s backstory a lot and his diary entries. Made me appreciate the joy from making others smile. I actually felt good seeing their smiles pop onto their faces once I helped them. Immaculate art style that looks like 2d /3d psychonauts. Sound was very good but sparse in some locations that felt off. Also the transitions between music tracks was abrupt and sounded bad once you knew your way around the place.

There’s something about it that clicked for me. It’s really special

i am so in love with this game. and the bodacious babes within.

sometimes you just feel like a game was made for you, and that was this game for me <3 fantastic.

The first time I played this game I completely did not realize that there was a teeth and dentist motif throughout the entire game. This is insanely funny in retrospect. Really good game, really creative puzzle game that only lets you give things to people and either nod or shake your head.

tbh I played this one bc of the tumblr sexy man

crazy game but I digged the aesthetic (which shouldn't come as a surprise since psychonauts is my favourite game of all time)

the 6/10 on this one is more about my personal feelings than the objective quality of the game. it's a perfectly good, cute game and has a satisfying enough puzzle experience. it was a good three hours and i recommend it but i'm not like, overly passionate or excited about it. also, the inventory is kind of annoying to navigate, so there's that i guess.

i will never forget the breakdown (positive) i had over the switch release announcement


I loved how dream-like the atmosphere of this game was. If you are looking for a point and click puzzle game this is certainly one to consider.

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i beat a guy over the head to open a jar of pickles so its pretty good

dr habit im free this saturday if youd like to hang out this saturday when i am free this saturday

A great short, sweet, and unique take on the point and click that I adore that was honestly really tear jerking. A must play for any wierdos out there like myself

fun game overall and some unique mechanics, the gameplay gets tedious eventually but the ending is good

Smile for Me se siente... Raro Y EL JUEGO LO SABE

El juego desde un inicio se siente raro... Porque estarias en un recinto para gente que es infeliz encerrado cuando tu eres feliz? Que es esa cosa que el titere quiere hacer para que sean todos felices? Porque esta tan obsesionado con eso? Porque tenemos que agarrar una mano realista y no usar las nuestras propias? Bueno... Todo eso tiene una explicacion

En todo caso me encantan esas vibras extrañas y tetricas de da el juego mezclando fotografias reales con dibujitos bonitos y titeres extraños... Me la he pasado de 10 jugando el juego

La unica pega es que para completar el juego al 100% tienes que sacar el final malo si o si al menos 1 vez y dejar 1 persona sin ser feliz (pero soy muy buena para eso)

Me ha encantado y espero poder jugar mas juegos como este en un futuro

PD: Kamal casate conmigo bombon

i love this game. smile for me's story is definitely where the game shines. the characters are all unique and charming, and the aesthetic of the game is beautiful. the "nod-and-shake" gameplay is a refreshing and fun take on point-and-click mechanics.


I have a weird appreciation for games that go for their own thing, in any regard, even in the most negligible regard. Even if this game wasn't really well written or didn't have some genuinely interesting and fun puzzles, the art style alone would be worth playing the game for.

Wonderfully charming and very tightly paced, Smile for Me was definitely a fun way to spend an afternoon with friends, just vibing and enjoying a chill Love-de-Like game.

this hidden gem is so up my alley. you can do everything in one playthrough (or if you want two) i think its better to experience it blind tho so i wont say anything.
amazing fever dream of a game

I love this game. It's visually SO appealing and I have played through it more than once. I had a really nice time going through it the first time, plus the characters are fun and all have unique designs. I like it :) a nice experience overall.

Amazing narrative game. The best fetch quests are the ones where its part puzzle, part story. This game does that.

AH! I love a good point-and-clicker!! Especially the weird ones!!! Short, sweet, paired with excellent art and audio direction evoking older cartoons of the 90s and 2000s + a few good eerie moments to catch you off guard = a fine way to spend an afternoon.

el diseño de personaje y estetica es de mis favoritos