Reviews from

in the past

Divertidinho, dá pra passar um certo tempo nele

Truly the pinnacle of gaming

A million levels later and i still love it. prefer it to the sequel

i had like easily 210k floors and then my laptop got cooked and i lost all of my progress. rip 544 hours. still good game tho.

I wasted too much time on this LMAO

A perfectly serviceable idle game. Fairly appealing graphics, simple and autoable and numbers go up. Soda pop tastes good. I approve.

It wasn't good, but for a random mobile game this was surprisingly fun.

Tu não dá nada pelo jogo mas quando tu percebe tu se viciou nessa praga kkkkk ele só é bem repetitivo

not a Masterpiece of Gaming but i sure did spend a lot of time playing it during lectures

Try playing this on a road trip while bored out of your mind and your third eye will open.

you just fight jpeg's and it's addicting

this was like
the autoclicker of all time

A good RPG clicker Idle etc etc.
It´s F2P and a good one, you can let the game running in order to advance or farm some stuffs but there will be moments when you will have to think what to do, what strategy use to go against certain bosses, wich allows you to be a part of the game more than just a common idle.

Game's not anything special realistically but it's pretty adictive and I'd be lying if i said i dont have a bit too much time on this. More than I'm willing to admit.