Reviews from

in the past

Beautiful game with fantastic art and music, just wish it was at least an hour or two longer so i could experience more of that and writing wise it definitely didn't measure up to its lovingly crafted visuals or sounds. Mind you im not saying the story is horrible, it just feels kind of like an afterthought for the game's world to exist as certain characters even with the revelations presented to the player at the end don't fully make sense. Kind of feels like the devs crafted these beautiful characters and parts of the world around one story, changed their minds too late into development, and just did their best to work the world around this new story. The twist felt weak and the connection between the little girl and the protagonist felt SUPER contrived (to me) and i'll just leave it at that. I do hope the devs one day return to make something else together with the addition of a writer because Spirited Away meets Silent Hill is one hell of a vibe and i feel they nailed that, they just didn't nail the landing for the plot.

Cool rpgmaker-type game with definite horror imagery. unlike many of the others, this one has consequences at times! an interesting look at someone being haunted by childhood trauma.

Não lembrava q esse jogo era tão bonito.

The art design and atmosphere are excellent, the puzzle design is fine in theory but in practice it is way too much backtracking and repeating stuff for a 2 hour game. Also the water puzzle where you have to walk back and forth with really slow movement speed is probably the most unpleasant gaming experience of my life. Neat little thing, but could really use some quality of life improvements.

No está mal, pero algunos puzzles son muy rebuscados

esse jogo ainda é muito importante pra mim

Extremely short, but well designed and beautifully creepy. The music is perfectly atmospheric and the story sneak attacks you with a very emotional twist. An Indie classic!

Lembrei que joguei isso aqui, mas não lembro de mais nada k

Um jogo de terror psicológico bem curtinho com uma história bem interessante. Eu realmente não esperava gostar tanto da história, mas ela me pegou. O jogo também diverte com os puzzles: não chegam a ser difíceis, mas nem muito fáceis.

A gameplay é dividida em três atos, sendo que em cada um você tem uma porção de quests/puzzles para resolver e poder ir para o próximo ato. O jogo é repleto de npcs estranhos e bastante interessantes. O jogo não trás jump scare, nem nada do tipo, mas a arte pixelada é bonita, muitas vezes bem creepy e casam bem com o terror atmosférico dos ambientes. Tudo pode soar muito confuso, muito louco, mas com o passar da gameplay as peças vão se encaixando. Super recomendo, principalmente por ser baratinho e ficar ainda mais barato nas sales.

[Main Story]
A small game with easy puzzles and an interesting story.