Reviews from

in the past

Horribly overstays its welcome. It has some great ideas and great songs (Heavy Metal, Flamenco, Gold, Another Day in Paradise, No Plan B, etc.) but some things like the 20 minute puzzle levels or the ones where they move the board are just ridiculous. And I will not be getting all 66 stars to get the full ending fuck you. 2 hours too long. Meat Kingdom arc was very good all the way through though.

This is the mix of genres where I'm the exact niche player-base. I never thought something like this could exist and I love it.

The ideas are incredible, mixing rhythm and party game together is awesome. The game is able to stay fresh for a few hours but it loses it's strength the more it goes.

I did reach the "final boss" but you need to actually 3 star every levels to get to the true ending and hell no. This is absolutey impossible to do as a solo player. Or would takes dozens of hours I'm not willing to sink in this game because it just gets frustrating at some point.

I'll start by saying that the soundtrack of this game is fantastic. My wife and I are currently co-op'ing our way through the game and are 10 songs deep, and we haven't come across one yet that didn't leave us searching it up on the Internet and singing it afterward. The first song alone really captures the spirit of the game.

Each song, or level, is accompanied by a unique and exciting puzzle or combat experience that is exemplified by the co-op experience, such as one person playing the "rhythm" aspect of the game while another protects them, progresses the level, or keeps the notes/beats visible.

There is a motley cast of characters and a pretty good (and fairly straightforward) story to carry you through the game, though the gameplay outshines it significantly.

The game does, sadly, lose some of the magic while playing single-player, so I can't give it 5 stars. But if tapping along to exceptionally curated soundtracks while you and your friends/siblings/significant others are desperately trying to hold in your screams and laughter and solve wild puzzles is your jam, then so is this game.

ok so being entirely honest i bought this game because the nintendo direct, with the combination of konami + rhythm game + smooooch in the trailer made me think that this was a new bemani home console rhythm game which had me super excited for a moment cause that hasn't happened since the ps2 and i LOVE bemani music (sadly it was not this though and smooooch is the only bemani song in the game...). getting over this disapointment though i thought it was a pretty unique and fun rhythm game, the way which you have to interact with the stage beyond rhythm stuff i thought was cool and i enjoyed the main villain here alot and how he'd fuck with you lol. however, i would only really recommend it if you have someone else to play it with. a lot of this game is not designed for one player at all and it can get pretty frustrating during certain stages by yourself.

doomed to stay a hidden gem because Konami sucks at advertising video games

its a rhythm game that likes to troll you and its very funny in doing so
if you do want to play this though i'd suggest getting a friend to play it with because the game is designed with it in mind and you're not going to get all 3 stars on a level without someone (which also unlocks the games real ending i'm assuming)

fuck you Konami market your games more

Had a lot of fun with this! Super underrated and it's genuinely unique! Songs are great (wish they had more licensed Capcom ones tho) and it's one of the few coop games that release nowadays.

Sadly the difficulty is a huge issue. Played with my brother, sister and my partner. My sister is really good at rhythm games, my brother and I are good/ok at them, and my partner tried her best. We were having a good time but sadly a few hours in we got to a level where if you made mistakes, it was basically an insta fail. The only way to pass this level was for my partner to either suddenly get good, or we just play without here. There's no accessibility options and I imagine kids wouldn't even be able to play it.

Also your mileage may vary if this is a pro or a con but the Platinum is probably a 10/10 difficulty. The only way I managed to get it was to cheese it by using the Assist function on the PS5, we'd play "Singleplayer" but my brother and I would focus on two notes each.

So overall it's really great and worth checking out, but the difficulty is a huge factor.

Eu sempre aprecio novas ideias ganhando a vida e fico muito feliz que Super Crazy Rhythm Castle. É estranho (de propósito) essa mistura que não se encaixa tão bem de jogo party com rítmico, mas que ajuda a criar o caos necessário para uma divertida tarde entre amigos. Tematicamente, ele poderia se destacar mais, principalmente com uma trilha sonora mais marcante, mas não deixa de cumprir seu papel em ser uma experiência, no mínimo, interessante. Só não tente jogar sozinho se não quiser se frustrar e se achar um incompetente, porque é possível também acontecer.