Reviews from

in the past

I think we should have more platformer RPGs in this style because this one is a bonafide keeper

My (previously) favorite Paper Mario game. This was the first game and maybe the first piece of media ever to make me cry. The story goes way harder then it had too and it may be the only Mario game ever where the story is the most important part of the game. Story has always been supplemental to the gameplay in Mario games but this was a weird exception where they tried switching up the formula. The gameplay is a strange amalgamation of 2D Mario and RPG mechanics from past Paper Mario games and in the end it’s not bad but it’s not that great either. It’s really all about that story and the characters. Count Bleck’s theme lives rent free in my head. This game might’ve changed my life… if I had a nickel for every Wii game that changed my life I’d have a lot of nickels.

I want to give this game a 5 star so badly, but objectively its okay to bad until the last quarter and even then the gameplay is still pretty bad. Also its cool that it has so much content to it but OH MY GOSH most of it is SO boring.

This is a strange departure from what came before it, but it still retains a lot of what made them great in the first place. It introduces plenty of unique mechanics and characters that are decently varied as well as a creative looking world to explore. Thanks to its complex plot and memorable characters, it's definitely an experience worth trying out.

This was my first, and I guess currently my only Paper Mario game. Back when I didn't like turn based JRPGs, this game really stuck out to me because it was more of an Action game with RPG elements, and I knew I'd like that more. And I do! I love the concept of this game so much. The music and visuals are great, and the level design is a lot of fun.
The story is also really good. Way darker than I'd expect from a Mario game.
Getting to the Sammer Kingdom is one of the best parts of any Mario game ever too.

Not everything in the game is the best. I don't like chapter 4 or 7 all that much, but it's still a really fun game as a whole.

Super Paper Mario? You mean the greatest Paper Mario game ever existing in the story? I could talk for hours about how awesome and perfect this game is! Reasons why I love this game: Bowser is playable, Mr. L, Dimentio ABSOLUTELY, the outstanding soundtracks, the stunning story...
I can't list them all but the only thing I'll say is PLAY IT!!!

Personally, I think this style of game suits Paper Mario more than turned-based...

i will never understand why people disliked this game. it slapped even with the new combat system and the story and level design was top tier

"B-But the turn-based gameplay is gone!"" You don't know how much a boon that is for me. You guys are allowed to love the first two battle systems, but for me, this, alongside the best story ever told in a Mario game, is good.

Also, for anyone who wants to skip through 2-3, the code is always the same and you can get the pixl right away for repeat playthroughs.

Even the best Paper Mario story can't save one of the most dull and occasionally infuriatingly designed Mario games I've played (yes, I've played Sticker Star, and it's still worse but man...). The level design can become nonsense at points, with an almost unhealthy fixation on making you do something over and over and over again for the sake of a joke that wasn't even that funny the first time. Being able to change your character on the fly COULD have been great, but due to a lack of balancing you're gonna want to stick with either Mario or Bowser for 90% of your game time. At times, it feels like the "General White" section of TTYD stretched out to an entire game (Chapters 2, 5 and 7 get the worst of this). It's such a shame because the level motifs are creative as heck, and the story, again, is one of the best Mario's seen (even if the Mario characters all take a sideline to these...weird polygonal OC fellas). I just wish the game itself was stronger so that I could say I love it like everyone else seems to.

Might be a bit controversial, but this is my favorite paper Mario. It has strong sentimental attachment for me. The story and puzzles really shine in this game. The platforming is also really nice. Only complaint is that some character designs are way too simple looking

Never finished world 8 until 2020, but this was a fun one, not my fav in the series tho. The Dialogue was on point.

This paper mario game is pretty bad its gameplay is very boring and its puzzles are very bad.

This game is an Insane Masterpiece, and I mean truly INSANE

FUCK THE HATERS I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT. This was the first game that made me feel something

My favorite Paper Mario game and also my first for the time, Super Paper Mario is one of my favorite games of all time. For clarity, I've played this game and Sticker Star, and I started the original Paper Mario but I only got through the opening sequence and have not bothered to finish it yet (I will one day). One of Super Paper Mario's greatest strengths is the story, mostly considered to be the best in the series and it shows. There is so much emotion, tension, and of course something that we've all grown to love from the Paper Mario series: surprise and just silly randomness. I also like the more platforming genre this game went for, even though my favorite game of all time is one I don't really like rpgs that much and while I can tolerate them, I just much prefer the platforming style this game goes for. I also like the game's main gimmick of being able to switch dimensions from the 2nd to the 3rd. It may not be used quite well in the grand scheme of things but I still enjoy it regardless. This game has some bangers in the OST, a lot of funny dialogue, and overall just a pleasant artstyle and vibe. This game is my favorite Wii game and even though there are mixed opinions of this game in the Paper Mario community, it is and always will be one of my favorites.

i dont know if this is a controversial opinion but i think this game sweeps every other paper mario title

paper mario actually fucking dies and then learns hell is real

In a way , this game is the reason I am who I am today . When I first was on the internet , one of the first things I ever saw was a Mr. L tribute , and I heard about how good of a game SPM was , and ever since then I had always put in the back of my mind that I would play this game someday , and finally almost 10 years later ... it was one of the greatest experiences of my life , so much to where when I finished it and went to bed later that night , I felt as though I would've been perfectly happy if the world had ended when I went to sleep . A beautiful story , fantastic characters , an amazing soundtrack . Yes , the gameplay is ... not the best , but I'm a person who is willing to sacrifice gameplay for story , and I'm more than satisfied with what we got , even if it isn't perfect . Except level 7-3 , that part is scarier than the darkest pits of the Underwhere .

better than ttyd. do not yell at me

My actual first wii game, Super Paper Mario was a treat. The visuals, the jokes, the 2D -> 3D plane gimmick. Very fun.

Count Bleck is still in love with his shitty butterfly wife.

4 stars.

Me playing Super Paper Mario (it's bad).

Very odd Paper Mario game. I have a personal theory that if this were considered more a spin off than a main title, it would be rated much higher.
Super Paper Mario to Paper Mario's before is apples to oranges.
SPM's "combat" isn't really there, the game plays as a 2D Mario platformer with RPG elements, which is probably the games weakest point.

That being said I love this game, I highly reccomend people at least watch someone play for the story this game has. Banging OST, memorable characters, and compelling story makes me reccomend it to any Toby Fox fans. Just be aware that it isn't a turn based RPG like the other Paper Mario masterpieces.

this is almost as good as ttyd to me. the gameplay is weird but in the best way and the story is just incredible

the TTYD fans will tell you this game is bad. don't buy into their narrative. the truth must prevail.