Reviews from

in the past

Vorrei dire che se il gioco fosse stata la sintesi di una parte di Berserk con questo gameplay poteva anche andare bene, invece è una roba stranoiosa semplicemente

Despite some issues with this game like just the most minimal thing can cancel your attacks and the arcade feel, I do have a soft spot for it. I played it during the early days of reading the manga and bought a Dreamcast just for this game. Pro tip: don't feel ashamed if you feel like you have to play on Easy, there is this weird difficulty spike.

O Jogo é um lixo, faça o favor a si mesmo e veja só as cenas do jogo no Youtube, porque a história é realmente muito boa

Tl;Dr: vale a pena jogar uma vez no normal pra ver a história, já que o jogo é curtinho.

Os controles são meio bunda, mas o jogo é jogável. Dá para se zerar tranquilamente no normal. Não há motivos para jogar em outra dificuldade, todavia (provavelmente tem todo o conteúdo da prize box por aí na internet). A história é boa.

The first berserk game made and it sure feels like it. The biggest issue with this game is that whenever your sword slashes comes into contact with the wall it retracts, leaving you open to enemy attack for a few seconds. This wouldn't be a problem because realistically swinging a sword as big as gut's would do that. However this game is littered with tight areas making it hard to engage in combat. If there's one thing i could praise about this game it's the soundtrack but that's about it.

Man; what did he do to make them that mad?

Considering that this came out before DMC, it's a fairly competent hack and slash action game, albeit a very flawed one.

The gameplay is fun for the most part, although there are some extremely annoying design choices such as the fact that the Dragon Slayer is pretty much useless in tight spaces because it will bounce off any walls that you hit with it.

Other than that, there are a few other strange design choices such as the save system, as the game only saves after every few levels. Not great if you don't want to play for long, but fortunately the game is very short anyway, taking me only around 3 hours to beat it.

All that aside, I'm sure the main reason why people might want to give this game a shot is because it's part of the Berserk franchise which I totally get. Certain aspects such as the music feel very reminiscent of the original anime as it was composed by Susumu Hirasawa. The story it tells is also decent, although it is very very similar to the Black Swordsman arc, which was a little disappointing as it was written by Kentaro Miura.

All in all, I wouldn't really recommend this to people who aren't fans of Berserk. As mentioned before, it is a perfectly serviceable action game, but at the same time there are far better ones out there. For those who are fans of Berserk however, this game is definitely worth trying out. Just don't expect to be blown away by anything.

it is filler in terms of story but still fun even if a bit short
and u get to fight a very hard Zod

simplesmente não consigo passar daquela fase antes do último boss

Aunque no sea canon del manga, como fan de Berserk es un juego corto y bastante entretenido

nope still not convinced that this game was play-tested for the hard difficulty. not with that Zodd fight at least lol.

A short, but sweet arcade-style hack & slash that acts as a sort of sidestory set in-between the Conviction and Millennium Falcon arcs of the iconic manga, complete with a soundtrack from Susumu Hirasawa and some challenging, kickass boss fights that'll certainly keep you on your toes. This was allegedly a big influence on the original Devil May Cry so if you're a fan of that series this is certainly worth giving a go (physical copies are expensive so just burn a .cdi or play on Redream).

It's also kind of funny hearing the voice of Raziel from Guts, and a very squeaky, nasally Liquid Snake from Puck.

Painful gameplay, and the writing is ehhhh despite being written by miura

Some good arcade fun, worth checking out if you got like 2 hours on your hands.