Reviews from

in the past

Man; what did he do to make them that mad?

A short, but sweet arcade-style hack & slash that acts as a sort of sidestory set in-between the Conviction and Millennium Falcon arcs of the iconic manga, complete with a soundtrack from Susumu Hirasawa and some challenging, kickass boss fights that'll certainly keep you on your toes. This was allegedly a big influence on the original Devil May Cry so if you're a fan of that series this is certainly worth giving a go (physical copies are expensive so just burn a .cdi or play on Redream).

It's also kind of funny hearing the voice of Raziel from Guts, and a very squeaky, nasally Liquid Snake from Puck.

Some good arcade fun, worth checking out if you got like 2 hours on your hands.

Considering that this came out before DMC, it's a fairly competent hack and slash action game, albeit a very flawed one.

The gameplay is fun for the most part, although there are some extremely annoying design choices such as the fact that the Dragon Slayer is pretty much useless in tight spaces because it will bounce off any walls that you hit with it.

Other than that, there are a few other strange design choices such as the save system, as the game only saves after every few levels. Not great if you don't want to play for long, but fortunately the game is very short anyway, taking me only around 3 hours to beat it.

All that aside, I'm sure the main reason why people might want to give this game a shot is because it's part of the Berserk franchise which I totally get. Certain aspects such as the music feel very reminiscent of the original anime as it was composed by Susumu Hirasawa. The story it tells is also decent, although it is very very similar to the Black Swordsman arc, which was a little disappointing as it was written by Kentaro Miura.

All in all, I wouldn't really recommend this to people who aren't fans of Berserk. As mentioned before, it is a perfectly serviceable action game, but at the same time there are far better ones out there. For those who are fans of Berserk however, this game is definitely worth trying out. Just don't expect to be blown away by anything.

O Jogo é um lixo, faça o favor a si mesmo e veja só as cenas do jogo no Youtube, porque a história é realmente muito boa

Tl;Dr: vale a pena jogar uma vez no normal pra ver a história, já que o jogo é curtinho.

Os controles são meio bunda, mas o jogo é jogável. Dá para se zerar tranquilamente no normal. Não há motivos para jogar em outra dificuldade, todavia (provavelmente tem todo o conteúdo da prize box por aí na internet). A história é boa.

The first berserk game made and it sure feels like it. The biggest issue with this game is that whenever your sword slashes comes into contact with the wall it retracts, leaving you open to enemy attack for a few seconds. This wouldn't be a problem because realistically swinging a sword as big as gut's would do that. However this game is littered with tight areas making it hard to engage in combat. If there's one thing i could praise about this game it's the soundtrack but that's about it.

اسوأ لعبة لعبتها في حياتي و اسوأ فاينل بوس تضاربت معه في حياتي اوسته زق زي اللعبة بكبرها المهم لحد يلعبها كـ؟ـسم كل واحد اشتغل عليها

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It really makes feel like you're fighting Nosferatu Zodd!

Not an amazing game, but it makes for a fun distraction if you got an afternoon or two to kill.

This review assumes you've read Berserk up to the Millennium Falcon arc, so things about the plot won't be explained as in-depth. This games takes place right after Guts, Casca, and Puck leave for Elfheim as they end up taking a detour to a town infested with a plague that turns its victims into rampaging monsters called Mandragorans. The ruler of the town, Balzac (They got away with this name) tells Guts that in exchange for getting a heart of a fully grown Mandagora, Balzac will help Casca retrieve her memories (if you read Berserk and never heard of this happening, this plot is in this game only). The story is alright and gets the job done, it can't really do anything too grand since it takes place in the beginning of an arc that will have many amazing moments much later on, however there is a very sweet moment near the end with Guts and Casca where Casca momentarily regains her memories (even though given things that happen much later, it probably wouldn't have happened nicely as it does now).

The gameplay of Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage is pretty janky all the way through, but it's never unplayable. You play as Guts and use his iconic sword, the Dragon Slayer. Your main moves are a horizontal slash, a vertical slash, a jump that lets you do aerial attacks, and a guard. You can also use a selection of sub-weapons Guts has used during the story such as his throwing knives, repeater crossbow, miniature bombs, and his Cannon Arm (It should be noted that the knives and cannon arm only have limited uses so be careful when using them). Guts has a meter that he can build that lets him go into a Berserk Mode (I actually don't know what it's called but I mean Guts does go Berserk so) that lets him armor through hits, attack faster, deal more damage per swing, and slash through walls. If you know anything about Guts and the Dragon Slayer, then you know that the Dragon Slayer is a really big sword, which is why I think the fact that the any attack with the Dragon Slayer getting stopped whenever it touches the wall is very questionable, it doesn't happen often but when you're in stages with small corridors it gets annoying. The boss fights range from doable while being a bit annoying to Nosferatu Zodd (At least it's accurate :D ). Nosferatu Zodd is by far the most difficult boss in the game even compared to the final boss, and can definitely be a gatekeeper from people beating the game, if there's anything to praise about this music (aside from the music), it's they made Zodd's difficulty accurate to the story. I did have to retry the Zodd fight multiple times until I learned one funny thing about Guts' move kit, his jumping vertical slash. This is move is very special for the fact that it makes Guts very hard to hit, won't collide with walls, and deals good damage. It is the best move in Guts' move kit and it's not close. One other odd gameplay things is a level where Guts has to run to the camera avoiding crumbled walls, where taking any damage causes instant death. Overall while the gameplay can be janky, it's not enough to make it unplayable but can hinder the experience at times, what helps is that the game is very short (Took me 5 hours to finish) so the annoying aspects don't linger for very long.

If there's anything that is 5 Stars in this game, it's the music. The soundtrack was done by Susumu Hirasawa, who was the composer of the 1997 Berserk anime, and has done music for other Berserk pieces of media. His music is always wonderfully done and this game is no exception with some stands out being Forces II and Indra.

Overall while a janky game that can be annoying at times, I'd recommend this to any Berserk fan who has an afternoon or two to kill.

Vorrei dire che se il gioco fosse stata la sintesi di una parte di Berserk con questo gameplay poteva anche andare bene, invece è una roba stranoiosa semplicemente

Not bad for being a pre-DMC action game. Surprising that it also did QTE before/same year as Shenmue.

I can't really get too mad at its simplistic combat since it came before DMC1 set new standards for 3D action games, it's fun enough when your sword isn't bumping into walls and it has remixes of the Berserk '97 OST so that's cool.

Guts' Rage is a really faithful addition to the story of Berserk. It doesn't feel out of place a single time. I wouldn't even be surprised if these events were considered canonical. The music is produced by Susumu Hirasawa, which by default is the greatest thing about this game. Just listen to 'A Sister's Story', it is such a captivating and hauntingly beautiful song; one that perfectly fits in this game and confirms that this truly is a Berserk game. It's bit on the shorter side when it comes to the content of the story, and especially due it being very linear, it's quite noticeable. But hey, as long as the game is enjoyable from beginning to end, that's all that matters. There's not much to do, hack and slash (which is not very interesting). There's no real progression in terms of upgrading Guts or his gear, but you got his trademark hand cannon, throwing knives etc. Boss battles are alright; and of course it's a blast to get your ass beat by the legendary ZODD. Now that I've mentioned the boss battles I want to know WHO it was that named the main antagonist 'BALLSACK'? It was hard to take him seriously with that on my mind all the time; anyway, I'm joking a bit. Outside of the story you got a horde type of challenge mode and I mean, it'll keep you occupied for a solid half an hour and then you're done. Not much else to it.

Surprisingly bad, i mean, i enjoyed some of it, but not only plays very janky and the level design is garbage, but the history, being written by miura and all, is a masive mediocrity, is more or less a combination of the lost children arc and some plot points from angels of desire from black swordsman, but with massive exposition dumps and very poor substance in actual history content, only great part when guts got in the town with the mandragora people, beacause it remembered me of the themes of escapism in lost children with the priest that said those people were happy being monsters.

Also, its me or the zodd fight feels like a prototypical dark souls fight? I mean, the fact that he can crush your ass very easily, you have items that regenerate most of your health and you need to carefully attack him in his openings to win... Really cool stuff is this design was intentional.

But yes, the game is bad, expected a decent repetitive hack n' slash like the ps2 game, but no matter how low your expectations for this game are, it really sucks.

simplesmente não consigo passar daquela fase antes do último boss

Painful gameplay, and the writing is ehhhh despite being written by miura

Aunque no sea canon del manga, como fan de Berserk es un juego corto y bastante entretenido

nope still not convinced that this game was play-tested for the hard difficulty. not with that Zodd fight at least lol.

Despite some issues with this game like just the most minimal thing can cancel your attacks and the arcade feel, I do have a soft spot for it. I played it during the early days of reading the manga and bought a Dreamcast just for this game. Pro tip: don't feel ashamed if you feel like you have to play on Easy, there is this weird difficulty spike.

it is filler in terms of story but still fun even if a bit short
and u get to fight a very hard Zod

Bem curtinho mas muito bom, as músicas são maravilhosas e a estética do jogo é muito bonita, as bossfights são ok e a história é até que interessante, a única coisa que tenho a reclamar é da mecânica da dragon slayer bater na parede e ricochetear, o que não seria um problema se o jogo não tivesse tantos locais fechados, fora isso é um jogo muito bom.

Devil May Cry 1 if it was actually good.

Wow did this game surprise me. I went into it expecting a whatever-game.

Gameplay was fun, the story was interesting, and the music was incredible. As a huge Berserk fan this game satisfied my itch for more Berserk content.

Only issues were the amount of Quick Time Events in cutscenes that can give you game overs, and the length of the game being so short.

I mean I knew this wasn't going to be great, but holy shit. The controls and camera are a special kind of bad, the kind that only appear good in the eyes of absolute maniacs. I can't believe real, live human beings made this and said, "Yeah, put that on the shelves."

It's the first Berserk game to be released, and honestly, despite being the only one to have an original story, it's bad.
The gameplay consists of "run to the end of the hallway, see if the door lets you finish the level. if you end up running into an open door with nothing happening, slaughter everything alive, then proceed again. fight a boss maybe. repeat until end credits". That is also paired with the combat where your huge sword hits every wall (which while is pretty obvious to why doesn't nake it a good design choice) until you fill your DT and it doesn't. The items also never felt like being of any use, you will only be healing yourself with elf powder to tank more hits, the rest were pretty much pointless.
The story itself felt like it's just one exposition dump paired with the devs going "oh, remember this thing from the manga? we have it here!". Because of this it never truly offers anything new and unique to the world, the whole conflict and themes are essentially Lost Children arc, minus the bug loli. Zodd appears out of nowhere just to remind everyone that he exists and to have one fight without bringing anything of value to the narrative, the behelit is pulled out of the ass at the last moment just to have yet another underwhelming boss fight. And the cover art girl is here to do nothing and gasp at the ongoing events.
The only good thing here is the soundtrack, and the fact that thanks to the fan retranslation I didn't need to sit through the horrible English dub.

This is a game of all time. It has all the elements there to make a really cool Berserk experience, but clunkiness and hitting your sword against the wall ten times in a row hold it back a bit. Cool music and vibes though.