Reviews from

in the past

This is a really solid beat 'em up, it's fantastic in terms of beat 'em ups on the GBA. The sprites are great, music is good, and it's most importantly pretty fun to play.

Yeah, it doesn't have much depth due to the console's limit of two face buttons and two bumpers but it's a fun game that fans of the film would probably enjoy, keep in mind though that it's a pretty short game.

Finished on Normal difficulty. Turtle power!

This is easily the best modern handheld TMNT game I can think of. The fighting is fun and fast-paced, the sprites and backgrounds are some of the best I've seen on the GBA, and it's very faithful to the movie. It's short, but normal does provide a good challenge and hard mode would be satisfying to complete, I'm sure. Much better than the 2k3 GBA Turtles game.

Contro ogni aspettative, il porting per Game Boy Advance di TMNT è un signor videogiochi, con una bellissima pixel art e un gameplay superiore rispetto alla media dei picchiaduro a scorrimento.

Ok this version of the game is actually good.

i remember this game being really fun to play as a kid but i also remember when my grandma gave my sister a gameboy advance with this game on MY birthday bc she didn't want her to cry

Banger. Shredders revenge instantly reminded me of this game.

raw ass game and its the only real reason i fw the ninja turtles

its basically a beta for the scott pilgrim game with a tmnt coat of paint
its damn fun and belongs up there with the likes of turtles in time or shredders revenge, although it is lacking in some areas, such as its short length and some boring bosses. but it's still damn fun, and the visuals are great too. when it comes to tmnt games, this ones a sleeper hit

fun i don't have a set date of completion as i find myself occasionally pull out my gba and play a couple levels here and there over the years. fun and portable not very complex, totally worth it if you already own a gba and find it for a good deal at a local garage sale :)