Reviews from

in the past

This is a very pretty game, despite some of the sprites aging like spoiled egg and some of the dialogue not translating well in English at all, this game is genuinely really fun and genuinely really pretty to look at, and it is definitely the game out of the early windows era Touhou games I recommend the most.

Also Youmu best girl

Continues where Embodiment of Scarlet Devil left off, except it adds some cheap shit (difficult-to-see homing lasers, bullets appearing behind you) and attempts to balance things with a new 'supernatural border' (shield) mechanic and a new (slightly OP) spread-shot character, Sakuya.

Overall, it's still really clean danmaku fun, but I like EOSD better.

Touhou 7 isn't a perfect sequel. It's a worthy successor and introduces many great things to the table; more complicated danmaku, being able to visually see your hitbox and the enemy at the bottom of the screen, Youmu, and the introduction of gimmicks into the 1st Windows Era. However, I think it lacks on the character department compared to 6 and the music, a pretty iconic part of the series isn't as good this time. However, overall 7 probably is better than 6 just because of the QoL it introduces, and also Youmu.

10/10 aparece Yukari como me la pone esa minita.

This certainly is a decent entry point for the series, both technically and visually.
I still feel chills by beating Yuyuko.


Best touhou OSTs absolutely smack and obviously well enough difficulty.

This one's probably my favorite of the ones I've played. I really love the music and the vibes of the levels. I think the scoring system is really good in this game, like simple to understand but hard to master. This is also one of the easier ones to get into. You can also play as Sakuya, what's not to love about it?

i would never beat this game without cheats

After EoSD, Perfect Cherry Blossom feels like a breath of fresh air, with a lot of qol compared to the latter and a lot of original levels and characters. Its story is actually quite good, for a touhou game.

como que libera a extra stage? nunca consegui

Easier than eosd, though still no cakewalk. Recommended for newbies.

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ive never beat yukari

My favourite cast out of the touhou games, even if it is a pretty easy game in comparison to others. Definitely one of my personal favourites

Pretty much the same as EoSD but decently easier and with some minor quality of life improvements. I really appreciate the name for midbosses being given unlike Daiyousei in the last game, and being able to see how many health bars a boss has left is huge. Also more creative patterns in a lot of instances like Chen zipping around, The Prismriver Sister’s group attacks, or all of the time stop direction change attacks in the game.

Fun game with good music. I 1CC'd it but didn't do the Extra stages

Alice and Youmu are absolute top tier Touhous. The game itself is also pretty good idk

I can't say I dislike PCB, but I think it's overrated by most people.

how is this game better with the MIDI ost like im not even talking about the ost being better the whole game was just more enjoyable

Next time I play a Touhou game I should attach a heart rate monitor to myself

An incredibly fun bullet hell game with satisfying patterns, one of the best soundtracks ever made, and a final boss comparable to the likes of Gael or Artorias.

If you're into the niche genre of bullet hells, I highly highly highly recommend it (I cannot stress this enough).

Yuyuko my beloved...

Cool scoring system but even if milking for graze can be a bit tedious. Lunatic 1CC is pretty chill and a good time.
As usual good music fun bosses and dogshit stages.

Game Review - by Kitsune Sniper (aka Foxhack)

The game seems to be a vertical shooter, similar to the latest Cave offerings. The screenshots at the site show 80-90% of the playable area covered in bullets, so this is one of those insane games that only hardcore shooter players will touch. Seems fun, but as it is not a free game, I cannot test it.

The game’s homepage is located at

(editor's note: hard to remember back to a time where people didn't know what Touhou was, this was written back when the game came out)