Reviews from

in the past

Shoot someone and they die. But you have limited ammo. But you can pick up other people's arrows if they miss. But if you hit someone and they dodge through it, they get the arrow instead. But...
Singleplayer games are often judged on how well they're able to accomplish something like the above: taking a simple base concept and constantly twisting it to throw players off guard while still keeping the same mechanical core intact. Multiplayer games, though, are an entirely different beast- learning how to play one is almost always getting the rules explained to you, whether it be through a heavy handed tutorial or just from one of your friends. The reasoning for this is apparent, as intuitive teaching isn't really possible without some kind of linear progression, and when you can't predict the "difficulty" (skill level) of your "obstacles" (other players), there's really nothing you can do. That is, unless you're playing with a group of people who also have no prior experience with the game, which was exactly my situation with Towerfall, and it was a blast! Slowly picking up on all of the little quirks in the platforming mechanics and immediately experimenting with them in the next round, laughing or gloating during the instant replay after a crazy finish, and that one moment, at match point, where the last two survivors are using all of the tricks they've learned to to try and outwit each other. Fittingly, it's reminiscent of discovering what Jigglypuff's down-B did or that Luigi's taunt could deal damage back in the day, on a much more limited scale. There's not really any worthwhile singleplayer content, but that only speaks to how lean it is- each and every part of Towerfall is both intuitive and highly conducive towards the controlled chaos that makes for a great party game. Considering you can disable anything you might find to be BS, like the auto-handicap that happens when someone lags too far behind in score, there's a temptation to call this game perfect... but I'm able to resist it. My crusade against loading screen tips continues to grow, as too much stuff is revealed to you via popups in between rounds, and it does feel like it's missing a lot in terms of personality, which makes you realize how much heavy lifting Celeste's soundtrack would end up doing. All the stages' individual mechanics are well designed, and rotating between several layouts rather than sticking with a static one is particularly clever, but a lot of them don't really fit the theming of each individual level and so it's kind of hard to remember which one contains which gimmicks. But can you call them flaws if they don't dent your enjoyment? Loaded my Switch up with party games for a meetup with college friends and we had so much fun with this one that we didn't get to any of the others, which just about says it all. With the Smash Bros. series treading water and only feeling more and more bloated since Melee, this just might be the new go-to.

Tem a Celeste nele :))))))))))))))))

Towerfall (2013): 3 flechas, mueres de un toque, quién más mate, gana. Incluye un modo "campaña", con algunos retos muy interesantes para el single player, pero su plato fuerte sigue siendo el multijugador local (inexplicable ausencia de online). Muy recomendable con amigos (7,15)

o hey joan celeste from the hit game celeste is here

A simple game in concept, but quite complex and most of all loads of chaotic fun with friends.

Ótimo jogo para jogar com amigos. Jogabilidade boa e rápida de aprender, ritmo muito dinâmico, tem uma duração curta mas perfeita para a proposta.

Do not play if you have any attention disorder, the amount of times i've died thinking i was someone else is baffling

This is genuinely a really fun game to play solo and with friends alike! The movement mechanics feel really tight.

TowerFall was never my favorite, but even so, it works much better as a couch multiplayer game. Didn't find much interest in the single-player stuff here.

Had a quick go on Ascension at a Glesgames where I didn't actually talk to anyone, enjoyed it a lot, picked it up with the intention getting good before I go again.

This game is a party game must have for Nintendo Switch. Featuring up to 6-player simultaneous play, this brawler requires quick reflexes in order to survive your opponent’s skills with a bow and arrow! Towerfall has really tight controls, and features support for all kinds of controller styles, including GameCube controllers with a GameCube adapter attached. If you are looking for an alternative to Smash Bros, give Towerfall a spin. An excellent game from developer Matt Makes Games.

a fun multiplayer game when you are with you're friends

I have never bother myself with the main adventure mode, but I have played this in multiplayer for hours upon hours and is a blast. Fast, simple and fun. The only things that you need in a party/multiplayer mode. A wonderful game.

Celeste fighting game... what else do you need to know

This game kind of feels like celeste before celeste. its super fun to control and when played with friends is a super fun party game guaranteed to create lots of screaming and possibly ruin some friendships.

Unquestionably the best party game ever made. The only issue is the impossible task of getting 3-5 friends together who want to sit and play TowerFall in the same place at the same time. God dammit I'm old

Melhor jogo pra jogar com os amigos, juntar 6 é INSANAMENTE BOM.

Cool pixel arena fighter from Celeste devs!

The Switch is the perfect platform for this game. And all the kids I've played it with absolutely loved it.

The best party game. Always great to shoot the shit to this with a couple friends

My friend and I played this game together because she played it a lot with her family when she was younger. I had a really fun time. The levels are really interesting and shooting stuff is fun.

I played this with some friends at a tournament for a different video game and it was really fun! I think I got my fill for those few hours though I wouldnt buy it myself

Fun, fluid mltiplayer game. Chaotic and fun

Absolute fucking blast of a multiplayer party game. Me and my friends always have a hell of a time when we boot it up, its a personal favorite, and we've been playing it on and off consistently for about two years now.

Really fun multiplayer game if you have friends.

If what you're looking for is a great co-op couch game, look no further. I have found the simplicity of this makes it easy to get into (far easier than say, Smash), while there is a surprising amount of depth that make it feel truly competitive. I've had some great nights playing this with friends.