Reviews from

in the past

My expectations were just about a solid Ace Attorney-clone and that's what I got. I was surprised by the setting and the characters however.
Music was also excellent and especially the later cases had some unique twists to them that made the experience pretty entertaining.
I enjoyed myself quite a bit and scratching that "Ace Attorney" itch is always a satisfying experience.

The ending makes me think that future installments could be very much in the works and a lot more grandiose than the first game so I'll be on the look-out for any new releases in the future.

While I'm sad that this game will most likely never reach its fullest potential, what's already here is honestly fantastic

Phenomenal main cast of characters, fun and interesting mysteries, and a bunch of things both big and small that warm my Ace Attorney-obsessed heart

It may be rough around the edges, but it's also incredibly sincere, and its love for the series that inspired it is clear to see

I will protect Tyrion and Celeste with my life.

This is an obvious paid Ace Attorney fangame and that will understandably put people off. I won’t sugarcoat the flaws of this game: Amateur writing, breakneck pacing, inconsistent art, VERY messy ending… I am sorry for being harsh, but this is far from achieving true excellence and if you come with the high expectations of a mainline Ace Attorney game, you will be disappointed.

But despite it all, I have to seriously congratulate the team, because I did not expect to enjoy myself as much as I did. The characters in Tyrion are so incredibly likeable, and the way their relationships are built throughout the entire game achieved the exact same comfort space the original AA universe managed to do for me back in the day. The writer takes many tropes from AA but makes them their own in a familiar, but fresh perspective, that consistently brought a smile to my face (the relationship between Tyrion and Celeste is the prime example to this).

I was very surprised at how well-built the world was, the way the cases are connected to each other feels incredibly cohesive. They managed to reuse assets in really clever ways that crafted a believable world with clear direction and consequences. And all the new gameplay mechanics are well executed into this fantastical world with above average solid cases. This game is very smart by having its first and final cases being the best of the experience, considering they are the most important part of AA (I would even argue of most stories). And I NEED to mention the music. I cannot complain how little of it there is because every track is absolutely fantastic and elevates what the writing lacks.

So yeah, Tyrion is not a masterpiece, but I am incredibly happy I bought it. Likeable characters and fantastic music with some fun murder mystery action mixed in is the entire reason why I fell in love with Ace Attorney in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, this experience can be polished in many ways, but the writer and his small team should be proud of this one and I will absolutely buy Tyrion 2 whenever it comes out.

I only ask there is less Marvel humor next time in place of sincere ingenuity. My friend and I laughed so hard whenever “Well… THAT was awkward” jokes popped up time and time again. Maybe it served their purpose?

Case Ranking:

Case 4

Case 5 and Case 1

Very Good:
Case 3

Case 2

If you are looking for a Phoenix Wright clone, then look no farther. It is very much inspired by it which is great because I love playing these type of games. The story is good and while the characters aren't as good as a Phoenix Wright game, it's still a fun time and I recommend it.

Competent Attorney-like game that has enough fun twist on the classic games to feel fresh. The writing is good, the characters are decently written; overall, a great little story for $20.

Really solid game that stands out among the AA games. That's a high compliment, seeing as the AA series is my favorite game series. I especially like the main cast, the unique gameplay quirks, and the overall story and setting.

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Pretty good Ace Attorney style game. It could use some polish - I encountered quite a few typos and it ain't an AA game without times where you are aware of the contradiction but can't figure out which evidence the game has decided is right, or you figured out a contradiction that you weren't intended to yet. I don't begrudge the game these flaws, the typos in particular can pretty easily be patched and the evidence issues are endemic to the "genre" as a whole...

In terms of story, the main cast is great. Celeste has a couple portraits that are eerily similar to Maya (obviously intentional), but tapping into the fans' nostalgia is probably not a bad thing. The prosecutor is great, the detective is great, the judge is a judge, et cetera.

Some of the supporting characters have their designs tilted a bit too much towards the sensual end of the scale for my taste, although the fact that the credits list a "waifu consultant" means I'm actually pretty happy with how much restraint the character designer apparently had.

Speaking of which, this game was pretty much made by one guy. Definitely makes it a lot easier to forgive any flaws, and I had a better experience with this than with some actual AA games so... easy recommend to fans of the series. The pacing in particular I felt was a genuine strength, I plowed through this game in like three days.

Goes without saying but I'm gonna say it anyways, Carlos's OST is great. His involvement was most of the reason that I backed this project in the first place (look mom, my name's in the credits!) and I've been listening to the soundtrack off my phone since I finished the game. I think my favorite track might be "Smitten"? Also the main theme. Also... all of the "Pursuit" style songs. Also Celeste's theme.

Maybe I shouldn't try to pick a favorite track.

Gonna venture a bit into spoilers here...

When the "meta" character appeared in chapter 2 I was a bit wary as to how she'd be executed... Overall I think it worked out ok. I could've done without the direct reference to the name of my Windows username, it never comes up again in terms of "talking to the player and not to the character".

But aside from that, my main complaint is that this villain was a bit too powerful. When she can modify people's memories willy-nilly then it's not really a whodunit (er, in the case of AA it's generally a "how did they do it") case. I can't piece together a mystery when all of the evidence is false. This culminates in the apparent betrayal of Celeste, but actually she only thought she betrayed you because her memories were changed. Makes the reveal that she was lying kinda cheap.
The climax where the villain was defeated was great though. I just feel like it wasn't necessary to torch all our other methods of obtaining information to get there.

Also I felt the multiversal teasing was putting the cart before the horse a bit... I'm not sure what a "multiverse" would even mean in this context, but given that we know very little about the upper planes, circles of hell, and heck, even countries that aren't called Wyverngarde, using the word "multiverse" just makes me think of alternate selves and the like, which all seems to be a bit much for a sequel.

On that note, I think a sequel would be great. I spent a significant portion of this review complaining but those are mostly inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. This is a quality AA-like experience and definitely deserves your money.

It's an Ace Attorney, but to be honest that's high praise coming from me. This game never reaches the heights of the best games in that series, but it's still a very solid mystery-solving experience with some fun gimmicks that keep it from getting stale.


You know, this was fun. Obviously it takes inspiration from Ace Attorney, maybe too much. A lot of the style of the game was taken straight from Ace Attorney, but as a big fan of that series, I was able to enjoy this a lot. And this game does have some unique stuff about it that I think makes it stand well on its own.

I really enjoyed the world that this took place in, having to figure out how the mysteries worked within the rules of the magic in this world. The cases were also pretty good. Some pretty clever mysteries and it all culminated to an extremely cool and satisfying ending.

Also the characters. More than anything, I just loved seeing these characters interact with each other. They were fun to see, and they felt like people. I cared about them and their relationships, and it made the story really fun to see.

I forgot to write this review when I actually played the game, so my experience was from the week after it came out. And to be honest, there were a lot of minor flaws in the game. Bucketloads of typos, and a few blatant plot inconsistencies that seemed like accidents. But, just looking at the steam page, it's clear the devs have addressed these issues even two months after release, fixing many of those typos and plot inconsistencies. I haven't seen the result, but I think it's probably safe to say it's a lot better than it was.

Overall, this is a really fun game. Fun story, with some great characters, great visuals, and great music. Actually the music is amazing. So yeah, I liked this a lot!

Tyrion Cuthbert is an Ace Attorney clone, but it's an enjoyable one. I think it takes too much from Ace Attorney at times, but the game's setting and its Argument mechanic helps it stand on its own. It's a lot less polished than Ace Attorney, and never quite reaches Ace Attorney's highs, but it's fun and I had a good time with it. It scratched the Ace Attorney itch for me a lot better than Ghost Trick or Danganronpa did.


time to review this 7 months after beating the game LMAO this game wears its ace attorney inspirations on its sleeves, but in my opinion it definitely reaches those same heights while having its own identity. cases 4 and 5 of this game especially are, imo, every bit as good as some of the best cases in ace attorney. the cast is very memorable and goated with characters like tyrion, celeste, aria, and ruby being stand outs and while i will say this games a bit rough around the edges in the same way a lot of indie games are, theres clearly a lot of love put into this game i cant wait for the sequel

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A fantastic deduction and social puzzle game that takes heavy inspirations from Ace Attorney (obviously). (like really obviously, it has a Maya and Mia, Edgeworth/Franziska, but these characters are just inspirations. Besides their similarities in their roles in the story, they are not copies of those characters) It's got a fun cast of believable and likeable characters, a banging OST, and some well-thought out and logical cases.

Attorney of the Arcane takes place in a fantasy world, which infinitely expands the scope of what's possible in an investigation game about murders, yet every single case in the game can be deduced and solved by following the logic that was established in the world. Admittedly, the ending is a bit messy, but it does nicely tie up every loose end.

Case 4 and 5 are definite highlights of the series, with 4 being my personal favorite. Case 1 as always the tutorial case. Case 2 and 3 are still good cases, but without spoiling any of the cases, I think Case 3 would be the worst one of out of all of them Relatively speaking of course, they are still all fantastic.

I have not played many Ace Attorney games. Just the first one to completion, and the second one up to Case 3, but it does play more seriously than Ace Attorney.

I am giving the game a 5/5, although there are some very small UI elements that are very slightly annoying, as well as no skip and fast-forward button to skip past already read dialogue common in VN. There's also some poor quality production, probably due to budget. These are very minor gripes and do not take away from it's excellent story and gameplay.

Minus 0.5 for not having any dialogue went presenting your attorney's badge.

Obviously takes a lot of inspiration from Ace Attorney but doesn't try and hide it. Instead, by being all around a really solid game it elevates itself from a mere fan-game to it's own thing and I'd recommend it to anyone who's a fan of the genre.