Reviews from

in the past

Where it Shines:
MEGAKILL - 10/10
RAMPAGE - 10/10
GODLIKE - 10/10

The Good:

This game is the most fun I've ever had playing an FPS, and I grew up with Quake, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Timesplitters, etc. It's aged incredibly well, still has servers online, and full bot support if you just want to solo. The campaign has so many modes that are so fun to play to this day. The weapons are satisfying to use and the pure joy of just hearing your kill streak shouted at you by the announcer is just *chef's kiss.

The Bad:

I honestly can't complain about this game at all. Is it flawless? No, probably not, but I feel like I can't really give it a perfect score still as there is room for improvement.


You can keep your Halos and CODs and Forknife and whatever else the heck you want to play - UT is just the greatest multiplayer FPS every made, purely for how fun and unrealistic it is. Highly recommend even today.

note on my ratings:
half ⭐: hot trash garbage
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite
half star ratings between those mean it's slightly better or worse than stated in this list.

fortnite can suck it.

unreal tournament forever.

download this, put deathmatch on loop, you wont need a new shooter anymore, asia carrera figured it all

PC: 10/10


PS2: 4/10

If it ran at a decent framerate I'd give it an 8 or 9.

Ptain comment fallait avoir une ps1 a cette époque

the real proving grounds of fps skill

i have played this game on ps2 for COUNTLESS HOURS. the controls were so bad and took great amount of time to get used to. but this was one of the best fps games ever. the maps, the guns... such a nostalgia trip.

Quake III is better. Oh, and thanks, Mckalib, for letting borrow this! Now, I know that this game was incredibly average.

Still come back to it sometimes though I have come to crave the sheer speed and intensity of Quake 3 more.

kinda on off, not something you can really play specifically, mainly just for killing time

J'ai 5 ans, a la maison je jouais déjà à Tekken 3; Je pose mes mains sur la souris de mon oncle; sur unreal tournament.

Depuis les Fps / FastFPS ne m'ont jamais lachés.

THE game of my early teens and the first franchise I even considered myself a fan of.

UT99 for me wasn't just a Multiplayer game, in fact I barely played with other people, mostly played against Bots.

What I saw and felt was the atmosphere, the cool characters, interesting locations, the awesome guns and snappy gameplay.

Just simply existing in this world, sometimes choosing to defend the base from Ai instead of rushing into battle, hearing the bots communicate over the coms. Analysed their tactics and movements to learn the game.

I played this game my way, and in doing so got immersed in the world created (however unreal it was)

This is the fastest way to learn taunts, if you're pissed off and you headshot a guy on CTF, you'll say "Die, bitch!", or if you want to literally frag anyone, then "Anyone wants some?" is the perfect one, and yeah, we can't forget the iconic announcer, is satisfying to hear that "ultra-kill!"

Somebody hid this game on a network shared drive at my high school and I was in a computer lab class that was meant for taking online community college courses--we spent so much time instead playing this game on LAN. Even the nongamers in the class would join. One of my favorite gaming experiences in my entire life.

An Amazing first person shooter and still fun to this day. PS2 version is a little less appealing with frame rate issues and just really uncomfortable controls. Highly recommended!

While many were introduced to the FPS genre by legendary games like Doom or Quake, I landed at just the right time to pick up Unreal Tournament. It was a visceral and eclectic introduction to the genre with an all-in-one package that featured a little bit everything and a focus on variety.

From the incredible map designs like Phobos and Facing Worlds, the chaos of everyone having personal teleporters, and the various character models to play with, UT was a game that took the best of everything that came before it and put it in one place. Each of its weapons feel like it's own playstyle (a design that would go on to inspire the modern hero shooters), it had the iconic announcer voice, and of course there were so many different game modes and modifiers - aka Mutators.

You could play a very grounded and tactical capture the flag game, or go wild with a deathmatch on a low gravity map, and insta-kill weapons. While you can say that UT never really came up with any of these concepts it did put them all together to create a fun game that was at just the right time for anyone to pick up and play. You didn't have to be the best at everything, know all the glitches, or adopt a meta. If you were new you could grab just about any weapon and get some kills while the more experienced players knew tricks like how to make the shock rifle bubbles explode and master rocket jumps. And of course you could always find the Redeemer nuclear rocket launcher and even the playing field by sending gibs bouncing around the room spraying blood everywhere.

While later versions of the game would focus more on gimmicks, elaborate game modes, and battlefield style vehicular combat, UT was very much the purest form of it's own playstyle. It exists now as a kind of perfect bubble that encapsulates the features, mechanics, and gameplay from that era. It may not be as ground-breaking, prolific, or well remembered but for me it still holds many of my favourite FPS experiences before the genre got so bogged down by legacy IP's and homogenised gameplay.

Oh man. This was (still is?) the fucking KING of multiplayer shooters. Amazing in every aspect, fun as hell single or multiplayer. Countless hours spent with this one.

such a core part of my childhood memory and even after all these years I still love it, it's honestly a shame there's no direct and easy way to download and play this anymore

Game's aren't built to last like this anymore. I played on LAN for the first time with 3 friends and had the time of my life. You'll never get that experience with Apex or Fortnite.

My dad had a friend's copy of this on the family PC. He wouldn't teach me how to play, since it was so violent and I was so little... but he said he wouldn't stop me from learning how to play myself. It didn't take long before I was a goddamn prodigy at this, my first FPS ever. No multiplayer FPS I've ever played has hit quite as good as this one.

I used to play this so fucking long ago I don't remember a lot about it, but It used to be quite some fun.

Um dos meus jogos de tiro favoritos, vai ficar faltando uma estrela porque a cambada de corno da Epic Games resolveu tirar TUDO que era jogo que tinha Unreal no título porque "auauauauaua Fortnite auauauauaua". Até hoje tô convencendo meus amigos a jogarem esse troço comigo.

Unreal Tournament was one of my favorite games to play when it first came out, it was the absolute peak of FPS' from the 90's in terms of fluidity, map design, and general game mechanics. The issue with reviewing games of my youth or games that came out long ago is they are susceptible to nostalgia goggles, however I replayed UT earlier this year and it felt just as good if not better than it did before.

UT does absolutely everything right: from the legendary D&B based soundtrack (which was typical for games of this time,) to having tons and tons of interesting levels across various game modes (that were quite large and in depth.) The famed announcements upon killstreaks and multi-kills added to the games flare, hearing "M M M M MONSTER KILL KILL" makes you excessively hype and in the groove of the games fast paced jumping arena combat. There's never a dull moment in UT, whether you're fighting on a smaller 1v1 DM map or one of the larger objectivve based maps.