Reviews from

in the past

Unrateable - god-tier character aesthetics and combat system trapped in a grindy, awkwardly structured generic mess of a Korean MMO, I mourn its fate to this day

Would be the best game ever, if only it stayed as it was 8 years ago

Edgy MMO that wasn't good enough for how it presented itself. I remember it looking really good for the time tho.

What was once a pretty sweet MMO was absolutely ruined by Nexon.

Vindictus (Or Mabinogi Heroes) is a multiplayer hack and slash RPG that has elements of character action games, and souls likes in it's combat system, with physics based puzzles, levels and combat responses from enemies, and physics based feedback to armor and weapon degradation on the player side.

On the story side of things it mostly played out as a visual novel with a digital oil paint art style and took heavy inspiration from Irish lore.

It was a fun enough game to play as a dungeon crawler with friends, but unfortunately it suffers from a stupid thing that it seems a lot of MMOs and online RPGs do, and that was the fact that the early chapters got nerfed hard, and the story up to season 3-4 is now way too easy and kinda boring.

It's still got a fun combat system and is worth investing some time into with a couple of pals, especially if you like other character action games, or dungeon crawlers like diablo. But the first couple chapters with be stupid easy, with a sharp difficulty curve on chapter 3. Honestly I don't know why games like this nerf their early story stuff, if you want to get players through it so they can join the vets, just make a referral program to allow them to make a higher level starting character if they have a friend at that level for crying out loud.

I also believe this game was developed on the Source engine, which may be the cause of a few connectivity bugs, but its a good engine and I wish more games used it.

Mediocre mmo that served me well during a post-break up stupor.

no game can match vindictus' gameplay but unfortunately they're owned by Nexon. so. you can probably guess what happened

Don't remember so it was probably boring

The combat in this is pretty fun actually, but that's all it has going for it. I mean, it is the main point of the game so that's not saying much I guess.... maybe it should have had something going for it besides just combat. The fashion endgame does not count (to me). On top of that even the combat gets stale after a bit, maybe it's because they changed the game to make getting to endgame easier, but that just meant all the levels I did were a snore difficulty-wise, I wanted some challenge already, not just mindless hack n slash. Quests were boring as hell to complete and turn in too

this game blows but the girls are hot

The graphics and characters are nice, the gameplay is good but the game is very boring. Why? Because the episodic gameplay system is very old. If you want to implement such a system, the game needs to offer a lot of things in very good quality. If the game was open world it would be much better. Now, you want to play but you can't find anything different to do.

Vindi was fun back in 2011 before the story branched out beyond the main hub world. Splitting the story into sections and allowing the player to start from chapter 2 without finishing chapter 1 first made the story very difficult to follow.
Additionally, there are some story missions that can be replayed, which can make the continuity of the story a bit weird at times.
The game's action-based combat was incredibly unique for its time, however, and the characters were very cool.

Combat is decently fun, but not enough enemy variety

the world

the world if this game was an offline singleplayer/co-op experience instead of a live service mmorpg

anyways, I had a lot of fun with this game in middle school and Kai remains one of my favourite ranger classes in video games to date just because of how fluid his combat is. Also? I actually started paying attention to the story at some point and. Let's just say the Inn music makes me really fucking sad now.

Stopped once I got to S3 content because my friends had completely fallen off of it and I didn't want to shell out the money needed to continue playing this game solo.

Best combat of any game ever. Doomed by Nexon. Still a classic part of my childhood. Good if confusing story.

the combat in this game stays superior all the way in 2022, the storyline is genuinely Pretty Good for an mmo, and my god there is so much spicy armor for the ladies AND the lads. thanks nexon!